carpentries-incubator / proposals

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Data Science for Ecologists and Environmental Scientists #35

Open anenadic opened 4 years ago

anenadic commented 4 years ago

I am sharing an existing training material (Data Science for Ecologists and Environmental Scientists) developed by Their motivation was to help scientists overcome "code fear" and "statistics anxiety" in learners of all ages and from all walks of life and to teach best practice open science. Materials are quite suitable for people from other domains too and not just ecology and environmental science.

  1. What is the topic of your lesson or lesson proposal? Data Science for Ecologists and Environmental Scientists

The course includes three different streams, Stats from Scratch, Wiz of Data Viz and Mastering Modelling, using content mostly in R, but also with the opportunity to learn Python and JavaScript. There are quizzes and practical challenges and people can get certificates for their achievements.

  1. Do you already have a draft of your lesson? It is quite a finished product already.

  2. Do your materials conform to our Code of Conduct? I believe so.

  3. Are your materials already on GitHub and do they use The Carpentries lesson template? Materials are in GitHub ( They use a different lesson template.

  4. If you answered "No" to either part of question 4, would you like our Curriculum Team to create a repository for you in The Carpentries Incubator?

  5. If you answered "Yes" to both parts of question 4, would you like to transfer your repository to The Carpentries Incubator? You will have Write access to the repository. Something to discuss with the authors but I expect 'No' as an answer.

  6. If you answered "Yes" to either question 5 or 6, list the GitHub handles for people who should have Write access to your lesson. If you don't know how to answer this question, don't worry! We can always add collaborators later.

  7. Any other information you would like us to have or questions you have for us? Contact person Isla Myers-Smith

Thank you for sharing your lesson with The Carpentries community!

anenadic commented 4 years ago

I wanted to add the label 'share-existing-material' but do not have the right permissions.

IslaMS commented 4 years ago

If anyone has any questions about this course please get in touch with either myself ( or Gergana Daskalova ( or through the Coding Club organisation (

ErinBecker commented 4 years ago

Thanks for sharing @anenadic!