carpentries-lab / metagenomics-analysis

Data Processing and Visualization for Metagenomics
9 stars 31 forks source link

Improve Working with Files and Directories #46

Closed Czirion closed 2 years ago

Czirion commented 2 years ago

Reviewer's comments: 1)In the Working with Files and Directories episode, the "Examining Files" starts with the cat command, but it's not actually used. This might increase confusion, so it might need to be removed. 2) In the Working with Files and Directories episode, the "Details on the FASTQ format" section is rather disjoined to the rest of the episode. It does provide useful context, but it may be either added as an optional/note box, or possibly moved to the episode on analyzing the FASTQ files.

Czirion commented 2 years ago

Cat command explanation was changed to be less confusing. And FASTQC format was changed to be in a box