carpentries / instructor-feedback

This repository was created to develop instructor feedback reports using Carpentries pre and post survey data.
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Questions to include in the instructor feedback surveys #1

Closed kariljordan closed 5 years ago

kariljordan commented 5 years ago


The concern is that there are a lot of choices. Can we only include the top 3?

The concern is that there are a lot of choices. Can we only include the top 3?

  Never Less than once per year Several times per year Monthly Weekly Daily
Statistical analysis programs with a graphical user interface (SPSS, SAS, etc.)            
Programming languages (R, Python, etc.)            
Databases (SQL, Access, etc.)            
Version control software (Git, Subversion (SVN), Mercurial, etc.)            
A command shell (usually accessed through Terminal on Mac OS X or PowerShell on Windows)            

========================================================================== Post-Survey

  Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree nor Disagree Agree Strongly Agree
Having access to the original, raw data is important to be able to repeat an analysis.          
I can write a small program, script, or macro to address a problem in my own work.          
I know how to search for answers to my technical questions online.          
While working on a programming project, if I got stuck, I can find ways of overcoming the problem.          
I am confident in my ability to make use of programming software to work with data.          
Using a programming language (like R or Python) can make my analyses easier to reproduce.          
Using a programming language (like R or Python) can make me more efficient at working with data.          

Show the pre-post comparison

  Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree nor Disagree Agree Strongly Agree
I was able to get clear answers to my questions from the instructors.          
The instructors were enthusiastic about the workshop.          
I felt comfortable interacting with the instructors.          
The instructors were knowledgeable about the material being taught.          

========================================================================= Now that we know which questions to include, we are ready to create the script using this data. Please keep in mind we should make it as reproducible as possible.

There should be two separate scripts written. One for the pre-workshop and one for the post-workshop, but they should have the same overall look and feel. In the code folder you'll find the current report that includes all workshop survey data, and a mock-up report that Kari started a while ago.

Please add your suggestions below for how to proceed with generating the code.

ErinBecker commented 5 years ago

This looks awesome @kariljordan. When would you like feedback by?

kariljordan commented 5 years ago

Once the code is generated we will send it around for review for look and feel. Thanks @ErinBecker!

kariljordan commented 5 years ago

@fmichonneau created a preliminary script to give us an idea of options and to also inspire us to push this project forward. You can see the rendered script here. It takes a while to load FYI, and keep in mind there's only one response to the survey.

We can either use this infrastructure and make changes to the visualizations/summary statistics, or we can start from scratch.

Please share below what you'd like to do @ha0ye @katrinleinweber @katrintirok

ha0ye commented 5 years ago

I'm totally swamped with things for the next week or so. I would like to contribute though, so if you have identified specific tasks that I can help out (and just assign one to me), I can get around to it maybe next Thursday.

katrintirok commented 5 years ago

just looked at Francois's report draft, I would be fine starting from there, especially making use of the data import. However I also liked the mock report you had started. I also had a look at the feedback report, there are some nice graphs too, I particularly liked the one that compares the pre- and post-workshop skills.

A few questions:

kariljordan commented 5 years ago

We should definitely include the paired plot, but not everyone completes both the pre and post workshop survey, so we'll just need to figure out a plan if n is too small.

I like having a variety of visualizations as well.

I think it would be great to use François' script and take it from there. @katrintirok would you like first dibs on which questions you'd like to work on? I like the plan you've outlined in the third bullet:)

katrintirok commented 5 years ago


@kariljordan could you add François' script to the code folder (or did I miss it somewhere?).

I would start with the first 3 questions of the pre-survey we said to include, i.e. questions 5., 6. and 9. in the commented version.

fmichonneau commented 5 years ago

Hi @katrintirok

My parental leave started before I could make the code for the Shiny app publicly available. There is a little more clean up that I need to do before opening it up.

That being said, most of the code to generate the graphs is taken from what I had written for the report here:

Don't worry about making the code work with the app for now. I'll easily be able to adapt it and plug it in the app.

We are looking for creative and informative visualizations based on the answers, and text that instructors can use to interpret these graphs.

A few questions that came to mind as I started working on this:

kariljordan commented 5 years ago

Thank you François for responding to this issue while you're on leave. Please enjoy the new baby!

@katrintirok are you comfortable with using the current code and working on 5., 6. and 9 in the pre-survey?

katrintirok commented 5 years ago

Yes, thanks for the info and the link to the tufte documentation.

I will focus on visualisations and text and will check with the current code. I will work on 5., 6., 9. as a start and then check again

kariljordan commented 5 years ago

Awesome! Do you want to work it where you go first, and then pass along the code to the next person? Or should others work on questions simultaneously?

katrintirok commented 5 years ago

I think we need to work simultaneously on different questions to meet deadlines, if I have some code I will share, should we work on different branches in this repository, what would be the best way?

kariljordan commented 5 years ago

Yes let's work on different branches. @katrinleinweber are you able to work on a few questions?

shippy commented 5 years ago

Are there any visualizations that aren't being worked on but should be? (Or is it too late to join in?)

kariljordan commented 5 years ago

@shippy it's not too late!

Are you able to look at questions 10 and 11 for the pre-survey? The questions are:

How often do you currently use any of the following?

  Never Less than once per year Several times per year Monthly Weekly Daily
Statistical analysis programs with a graphical user interface (SPSS, SAS, etc.)            
Programming languages (R, Python, etc.)            
Databases (SQL, Access, etc.)            
Version control software (Git, Subversion (SVN), Mercurial, etc.)            
A command shell (usually accessed through Terminal on Mac OS X or PowerShell on Windows)            

Why are you attending this workshop? Check all that apply.

kariljordan commented 5 years ago

Hello @katrinleinweber @katrintirok @ha0ye @shippy I wanted to check in on our progress. I think we are still on track to have the code finished by November 30th, but wanted to make sure all of the questions are being worked on.

katrintirok commented 5 years ago

Hi @kariljordan @ha0ye @shippy @katrinleinweber I just pushed a branch (katrin) I am working on, which has a notebook katrin_qu1to3.Rmd with what I have done so far, please have a look, a few things still to do - generalise data import, put some code into functions (esp for questions 2 & 3)

kariljordan commented 5 years ago

@katrinleinweber I'd like to review your work and also share it with the assessment team on staff. Do you have gh pages set up on your branch? I'd like to be able to click on the HTML file and see the report. My git skills are not perfect, so when I tried cloning the report and opening the file from your branch in RStudio it didn't work. I've been trying for a few days, that's why it's taken me so long to respond.

katrinleinweber commented 5 years ago

Is there is a mix-up here? Do you mean @katrintirok's branch? I didn't reply on Oct. 10th and couldn't follow this further, I'm sorry. I guess it's best to

kariljordan commented 5 years ago

I am so sorry! I meant @katrintirok's branch.

katrintirok commented 5 years ago

@kariljordan Hi, sorry that you can't see, I have not set up GitHub pages on 'my' branch (not sure how I can do that), I had added an html notebook, but I guess it would only show when downloaded, if you have a suggestion what to do to make it easier visible online. It is not more than a first try of how to visualise those questions yet ... I started it as a notebook now, but remembered the original idea of using shiny. However, I got a bit confused - I understood that François would do the automation setup on web and also automation of data import ... ? Would we still use shiny then? I am away until 27th November, but could work on it again after that, although only little bit at a time

kariljordan commented 5 years ago

@katrintirok please see comments in #4. We appreciate your hard work and knowledge, and would like to include you in the acknowledgments when we release the feedback reports!