carpentries / lesson-example

Example lesson using The Carpentries lesson template.
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Moving to a lesson release hosting scheme #126

Open jduckles opened 7 years ago

jduckles commented 7 years ago

While I know we love living on the development branch 😬 for our lessons, I've been chewing on an idea to better streamline how we build and maintain the web presence for core lessons.


We currently leverage GitHub Pages to build both development and production lessons. In fact we don't really make a distinction between development and production. This can cause problems, such as:

  1. Preparing to teach against a moving target
  2. Old versions are hard to return to without building them locally
  3. Major development efforts are done offline so as not to cause problems for others
  4. There is little incentive to actually tag a release as something new in the world


Summary: Unify URL scheme for lessons, old and new on a single static content server. Move to a release model where the most recently released version of a lesson is the one we recommend teaching from. GitHub pages hosted versions of the lessons become the development versions of the lessons (and should have visual controls when rendered that note them as such).

The official location for lessons becomes a URL of the form:<carpentry>/<lesson_name>/<version>

# Current shell-novice release would be:

# Development - same as GitHub Pages build now

# Old tagged release

Where <carpentry> would be one if [swc,dc] and <lesson_name> is just the underlying repository's name. <version> would be the tagged release version with special version aliases of current and dev to point to the most-recent tagged release and gh-pages branches respectively.

We could optionally manage language translations using the two-letter language code added to the the proposed URL scheme.

Actions required

  1. Host to hold/build lessons -
  2. Adapt existing cron scripts to build specific tagged releases and dev, current aliases to appropriate folders on the static host
  3. Develop CSS for a visual control (maybe a page watermark or a special header) for dev and old versions that note them as not the currently official lesson (with a link to the current version).
  4. Documented process for getting lessons added to this "build-bot"

I think this proposal should allow us to keep the status quo URL scheme for now, but move to preferring for release tagged versions of the lessons.

What am I missing in terms of unintended consequences or gottchas this kind of change might have?

Once we've gone through a bit of discussion, I'll experiment with making a script to do 1 & 2 but I could use help with ideas for how to best do 3.

@tracykteal @k8hertweck @rgaiacs

twitwi commented 7 years ago

Here are some resources to consider (the current release process that relies on github for hosting):

For point 3., maybe the same principle as the one use in the release could be used:

tracykteal commented 7 years ago

I think this could be a good solution, and is related to this thread that we've had going on for awhile.

rgaiacs commented 7 years ago

Comments on Proposal

I recommend to make the language a first class citizen on this proposal because (1) it shows to our community that we care about localisation and (2) avoid the need to redirect in the future. For example,

twitwi commented 7 years ago

One thing that might need to be considered.

For the current releases, YYYY.MM is used (with a . instead of -), like Ubuntu but making the year more explicit:

twitwi commented 7 years ago

NB: YYYY-MM without a day is not iso 8610 either

rgaiacs commented 7 years ago

@twitwi you win .