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Create callout box about episode ordering for Rmd files #320

Closed fmichonneau closed 3 years ago

fmichonneau commented 3 years ago

As originally mentioned by @zkamvar, manual episode rendering and Rmd files may not mix too well. We should create a callout box in the Lesson Organization episode to explain that the interpretation of the Rmd files will be in alphabetical order and not in the order specified in the YAML file to dependencies (or file naming) needs to be considered.

That's a good point. I had forgotten that it was possible to order episodes manually in this template.

The only thing that could go wrong here is if the Rmarkdown episodes need to be run in a specific order (e.g. one uses the output of another to run correctly), then we would need to have a mechanism for checking if the user placed an episode_order: directive in the yaml.

Regarding the *.rmd variant: It's not a common variant; the established convention is *.Rmd. I was just confused about what you were referring to when you mentioned the Rmarkdown files because I was still under the impression that we recommended people use the prefix method for ordering files.

Originally posted by @zkamvar in