carpentries / lesson-transition

Workflow for transitioning lessons to The Carpentries Workbench
MIT License
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swcarpentry/shell-novice #80

Closed zkamvar closed 1 year ago

zkamvar commented 1 year ago

tracking issue for

157:episodes/ [missing file]: [](NA)
── Transforming Episodes ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
ℹ Converting 'swcarpentry/shell-novice/_episodes/' to sandpaper
✔ Converting 'swcarpentry/shell-novice/_episodes/' to sandpaper ... done

ℹ Writing ''sandpaper/swcarpentry/shell-novice/episodes'/'''
✔ Writing ''sandpaper/swcarpentry/shell-novice/episodes'/''' ... done

ℹ Converting 'swcarpentry/shell-novice/_episodes/' to sandpaper
✔ Converting 'swcarpentry/shell-novice/_episodes/' to sandpaper ... done

ℹ Writing ''sandpaper/swcarpentry/shell-novice/episodes'/'''
✔ Writing ''sandpaper/swcarpentry/shell-novice/episodes'/''' ... done

ℹ Converting 'swcarpentry/shell-novice/_episodes/' to sandpaper
✖ Converting 'swcarpentry/shell-novice/_episodes/' to sandpaper ... failed

Error in data.frame(node = rep(seq_along(divs), lengths(divs)), div = unlist(divs,  : 
  arguments imply differing number of rows: 57, 55
In addition: Warning message:
In lines[!fenced_divs] <- rep(get_linestart(nodes[!fenced_divs]),  :
  number of items to replace is not a multiple of replacement length
ℹ Converting 'swcarpentry/shell-novice/_episodes/' to sandpaper
✔ Converting 'swcarpentry/shell-novice/_episodes/' to sandpaper ... done

ℹ Writing ''sandpaper/swcarpentry/shell-novice/episodes'/'''
✔ Writing ''sandpaper/swcarpentry/shell-novice/episodes'/''' ... done

ℹ Converting 'swcarpentry/shell-novice/_episodes/' to sandpaper
✔ Converting 'swcarpentry/shell-novice/_episodes/' to sandpaper ... done

! Some math could not be parsed... likely because of shell variable examples
ℹ Below is the error
! Inline math delimiters are not balanced.

HINT: If you are writing BASIC code, make sure you wrap variable
      names and code in backtics like so: `INKEY$`.

Below are the pairs that were found:
The for loop "for filename in .dat; do echo cp $filename original-$filename;done" will successively assign the names of all ".dat" files in your currentdirectory to the variable "$filename" and then execute the command. With thefiles "basilisk.dat", "minotaur.dat" and "unicorn.dat" in the current directorythe loop will successively call the echo command three times and print threelines: "cp basislisk.dat original-basilisk.dat", then "cp minotaur.datoriginal-minotaur.dat" and finally "cp unicorn.datoriginal-unicorn.dat"...
ℹ Writing ''sandpaper/swcarpentry/shell-novice/episodes'/'''
✔ Writing ''sandpaper/swcarpentry/shell-novice/episodes'/''' ... done

ℹ Converting 'swcarpentry/shell-novice/_episodes/' to sandpaper
✔ Converting 'swcarpentry/shell-novice/_episodes/' to sandpaper ... done

! Some math could not be parsed... likely because of shell variable examples
ℹ Below is the error
! Inline math delimiters are not balanced.

HINT: If you are writing BASIC code, make sure you wrap variable
      names and code in backtics like so: `INKEY$`.

Below are the pairs that were found:
The special variables $1, $2 and $3 represent the command line arguments given to the...
ℹ Writing ''sandpaper/swcarpentry/shell-novice/episodes'/'''
✔ Writing ''sandpaper/swcarpentry/shell-novice/episodes'/''' ... done

ℹ Converting 'swcarpentry/shell-novice/_episodes/' to sandpaper
✔ Converting 'swcarpentry/shell-novice/_episodes/' to sandpaper ... done

ℹ Writing ''sandpaper/swcarpentry/shell-novice/episodes'/'''
✔ Writing ''sandpaper/swcarpentry/shell-novice/episodes'/''' ... done

ℹ Committing...
ℹ Running '/home/zhian/Documents/Carpentries/Git/carpentries/lesson-transition/swcarpentry/shell-novice.R'
ℹ Converting 'sandpaper/swcarpentry/shell-novice/episodes/' to sandpaper
✔ Converting 'sandpaper/swcarpentry/shell-novice/episodes/' to sandpaper ... done

ℹ Writing ''sandpaper/swcarpentry/shell-novice/episodes'/'''
✔ Writing ''sandpaper/swcarpentry/shell-novice/episodes'/''' ... done
zkamvar commented 1 year ago

fixed in ae10a8c4f8b7dc0bb800a1d32384d197dabb05e4