carpentries / lesson-transition

Workflow for transitioning lessons to The Carpentries Workbench
MIT License
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datacarpentry/astronomy-python #89

Closed zkamvar closed 1 year ago

zkamvar commented 1 year ago

tracking issue for

episodes/ [missing file]: [](fig/gd1-4.png)
episodes/ [missing file]: [](../fig/gd1-1.png)
episodes/ [missing file]: [](fig/gd1-4.png)
episodes/ [missing file]: [](../fig/gd1-1.png)
episodes/ [missing file]: [](../fig/gd1-2.png)
episodes/ [missing file]: [](../fig/gd1-4.png)
episodes/ [missing file]: [](../fig/gd1-3.png)
episodes/ [missing file]: [](../fig/join.png)
episodes/ [missing file]: [](../fig/gd1-3.png)
episodes/ [missing file]: [](../fig/gd1-3.png)
episodes/ [missing file]: [](../fig/gd1-5.png)
instructors/ [missing file]: [Making the Isochrone Dataframe](/astronomy-python/calculating_MIST_isochrone)
zkamvar commented 1 year ago

fun git error when pushing to the test repo:

from datacarpentry/astronomy-python to fishtree-attempt/astronomy-python (bots)
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
100  7896  100  7802  100    94   4931     59  0:00:01  0:00:01 --:--:--  4991
Enumerating objects: 1605, done.
Counting objects: 100% (1605/1605), done.
Delta compression using up to 8 threads
Compressing objects: 100% (557/557), done.
error: unable to rewind rpc post data - try increasing http.postBuffer
error: RPC failed; curl 56 GnuTLS recv error (-12): A TLS fatal alert has been received.
send-pack: unexpected disconnect while reading sideband packet
Writing objects: 100% (1605/1605), 60.25 MiB | 66.91 MiB/s, done.
Total 1605 (delta 1063), reused 1541 (delta 1036), pack-reused 0
fatal: the remote end hung up unexpectedly
Everything up-to-date
make: *** [Makefile:130: sandpaper/datacarpentry/astronomy-python-status.json] Error 1
zkamvar commented 1 year ago

Actually.... I just got the git issue again. I don't think this is transient. This lesson has a LOT of large files:

$ dust astronomy-python/
 2.1M     ┌── notebooks                                             │               █ │   2%
 2.2M   ┌─┴ _extras                                                 │               █ │   2%
 1.3M   │ ┌── 05-select_files                                       │              ░█ │   1%
 1.4M   │ ├── 04-motion_files                                       │              ░█ │   1%
 2.5M   │ ├── 08-plot_files                                         │              ░█ │   2%
 9.2M   ├─┴ fig                                                     │              ██ │   8%
 6.4M   │   ┌── gd1_results.fits                                    │             ▒▒█ │   5%
  14M   │   ├── gd1_data.hdf                                        │             ▒██ │  12%
  21M   │ ┌─┴ data                                                  │             ███ │  18%
  21M   ├─┴ student_download                                        │             ███ │  18%
 1.4M   │ ┌── gd1_df5.hdf5                                          │           ░░░░█ │   1%
 1.4M   │ ├── gd1_candidates.hdf5                                   │           ░░░░█ │   1%
 1.8M   │ ├── gd1_merged.hdf5                                       │           ░░░░█ │   2%
 8.6M   │ ├── gd1_results.fits                                      │           ░░░██ │   7%
  16M   │ ├── gd1_dataframe.hdf5                                    │           ░░███ │  14%
  29M   ├─┴ data                                                    │           █████ │  25%
  54M   │     ┌── pack-434523be16b9e6fe8054d2c2e18977d6df4f45f7.pack│        ████████ │  46%
  54M   │   ┌─┴ pack                                                │        ████████ │  46%
  54M   │ ┌─┴ objects                                               │        ████████ │  46%
  55M   ├─┴ .git                                                    │        ████████ │  47%
 118M ┌─┴ astronomy-python                                          │████████████████ │ 100%

With the 54 MB object potentially causing problems

zkamvar commented 1 year ago

Note, I was able to get this now, but I think the errors above are still prudent:

from datacarpentry/astronomy-python to fishtree-attempt/astronomy-python (bots)
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
100  7896  100  7802  100    94   4242     51  0:00:01  0:00:01 --:--:--  4291
Enumerating objects: 1605, done.
Counting objects: 100% (1605/1605), done.
Delta compression using up to 8 threads
Compressing objects: 100% (557/557), done.
Writing objects: 100% (1605/1605), 60.25 MiB | 9.98 MiB/s, done.
Total 1605 (delta 1063), reused 1541 (delta 1036), pack-reused 0
remote: Resolving deltas: 100% (1063/1063), done.
 * [new branch]      main -> main
branch 'main' set up to track 'origin/main'.
✔ Setting active project to '/home/zhian/Documents/Carpentries/Git/carpentries/lesson-transition/sandpaper/datacarpentry/astronomy-python'
✔ Initializing empty, orphan 'gh-pages' branch in GitHub repo 'fishtree-attempt/astronomy-python'
✔ GitHub Pages is publishing from:
• URL: ''
• Branch: 'gh-pages'
• Path: '/'
Browse the repository at
zkamvar commented 1 year ago

I believe I have addressed the issue by increasing the size of the http.postBuffer in the local config for this repo.

I followed for the solution.

zkamvar commented 1 year ago

fixed in 98bba7891f513a68cdaaab574cf4ef3eb0c1dd2e