carpentries / maintainer-RFCs

Requests for comment for technology changes and other issues affecting lesson Maintainers.
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Maintainer Agreement focused on responsibilties/active/alum status #14

Closed chendaniely closed 3 years ago

chendaniely commented 3 years ago

Sections with links would be roughly unchanged from what is listed in the current maintainer guide initally written by Angela. Edit: I changed up the order of this post so the new things that we will discuss will show up first on the top.

The new things

Maintainer Responsibilities

Responding to issues

Issues and pull requests that have not been created by a maintiner of the lesson should to be addressed and/or responded to within 2 weeks. This is to ensure that outside contributors feel welcome to the community.

TODO: People usually mention updates to lessons that are for instructor Checkout, depending on how many people make changes to the same lesson. But the same general rule shoudl still apply.

Changes to the Lesson Materials

Most, if not all, maintainers are certified Carpentries instructors. Any change you deem follows the pedagogy teaching concepts and principles from Instructor Training can be done.

As technology evolves, maintainers are expected to know how the changes may affect the lesson, and should keep language and package version idiosyncracies in the instructor notes for other instructors.

Active Status

Schedules and responsibilities change over time, and we want to make sure we are able to adequately respond to the community with any lesson changes. The overall maintainence structure is decentralized, and we only ask that every maintianer check in Q1 of every year so The Carpentries can plan to onboard new maintainers by Q3. If you are no longer able to provide active status, see alumni role.

There is no "point" system throughout the year to retain your maintainer status other than the 1 yearly check-in.

TODO: Anything that should be in the check-in other than a few radio buttons? Many of the core lessons are pretty stable, and there would not be too many things to do as "goals for this year" unless there's a major template change like we are currently planning for.

While we would love to hear from each maintainer, the monthly meeting times may not work for everyone's schedule.

TODO: However, we do ask that each lesson have some kind of representation and report any issues or concerns that may have. This can be done by posting questions in the maintainer meeting minutes.

As an active maintiner, you are responsible for:

  1. Keep track of any larger Carpentries-wide lesson changes
  2. Respond to any direct contact either via email or Slack
  3. Keep up-to-date with changes in the language/installation instructions/packages used in lesson

Lead Maintainer

TODO: I know library carpentry has been thinking about removing the "lead" status, but it seems like a necessary way to get some response from all the lessons while planning changes, especially for the new lessson template that is going to be proposed.

Each lesson will nominate a "lead" maintainer. They will servve as the primiary point of contact when questions come from the community about the lesson. The lead maintainer does not have a minimum or maximum amout of time they can hold the position, and if they need to step down from being the lead, another maintainer of the lesson can be nominated to take their place.

Alumni Status

If a maintainer does not repond to the yearly maintiner re-commitment, they will be notified and moved to alumni status. During the year, any maintainer can notify The Carpentries Core team member or the maintainer community lead if their situation changes and need to move to alumni status, either temporiarily or indefinetently. To step down from being a maintainer, please contact or the community maintainer lead.

Alumni may not:

  1. Have write access to the lesson

But are still encouraged to

  1. Review and approve a PR
  2. Attend and participate in all maintainer communication channels

Reactivate Active Status

Since alumni are already familiar with the lesson maintence process, they are able to fill maintiner positions during the year outside of the maintainer onboarding/training process.

Alumni who wish to reactivate as an active maintainer need contact both and the maintainers for the lesson they with join. If the alum does not specify a lesson, they will be given a priority when filling maintainers as needed during the year. They will also need to check into one of the maintainer meetings to catch up on any changes to the lesson template and comment on any open RFCs.

Depending on how long the alum has been inactive:

Maintainer Agreement

Maintainers will be required to respond once a year re-afirming their commitment to the maintainer agreement. This will be done via email to a short survey asking for your name and email address (as it appears in AMY). Surveys will be sent out at the end of Q1 beginning of Q2. This will give The Carpentries enough time to make a call for more maintainers and onboard them by Q3.

Rest of the Maintainers Guide

Text From

Maintainer Meetings

The Maintainers group meets twice on the 3rd Wendesday every month at 17:00 and 22:00 UTC. Meetings typically have 5 sections:

  1. Introductions
  2. Updates from the Carpentries team
  3. Topic of the month, which would include lesson template changes, discussion/case-study of maintainer duties, and general maintainer training topics.
  4. Current maintiner request for comment (RFCs) are topics about potential technology changes and other issues affecting lesson maintainers memembers can comment on.
  5. Topics/lesson isssues to dicuss is open to any maintainer who needs to talk about their particular lesson, whether it is how to deal with a particular issue, or have someone review a pull request.

Upcoming meetings are listed on our CodiMd and Community Calendar.

If you are not a Maintainer, but are interest in joining, please contact Daniel Chen (). Minutes for these meetings are published on GitHub.

Code of Conduct and Values

In order to foster a welcoming community, especially to newcommers, maintainers are expected to abide by The Carpentries Code of Conduct and Values when conducting themselves online and reponding to issues.

Guidelines and procedures to report an incident can be found on The Carpentries Code of Conduct page.

Keep in Contact

There are a few ways to keep in contact with the maintainer community:

  1. Mailing list
  2. Slack channel
  3. Monthly meetings (see #maintainer-meetings above)

Maintainers can also opt to host a "corale" which can be used to block off time with other maintainers and get work done together. This has been used in the past to get PRs reviewed for merging.

Maintainer Onboarding

Reference Guide

How to Handle Issues

How to Label Issues

How to Get Help

How to Suggest Changes to the Styling for all Lessons

Github Topics for Lesson Repos

Email Templates

Contributing to Carpentries Lessons