carpentries / maintainer-RFCs

Requests for comment for technology changes and other issues affecting lesson Maintainers.
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Adding GitHub topics to repositories #5

Closed fmichonneau closed 4 years ago

fmichonneau commented 4 years ago

Back in January 2017, GitHub introduced GitHub topics. They allow for repository discoverability across GitHub. Additionally, as the number of lessons within The Carpentries has grown, we have been looking at programmatic ways to identify which repositories within our organizations are lessons (as opposed to tools, templates, etc.) GitHub topics allow us to do this through the GitHub API.

Some of our repositories are already using them, however, we are looking to standardize GitHub topics across our lesson programs.

The Lesson Infrastructure committee (@carpentries/lesson-infrastructure-committee), following a proposal put together by community member Robert Zinna (@Zinnar), had approved a tentative plan for Topics for our repositories

Now that we have this repository for RFCs, we are sharing an initial draft (as a Google Spreadsheet) of the different GitHub Topics that would be added to our repositories.

The spreadsheet is organized as follows:

We are requesting feedback and input from Maintainers on these proposed GitHub Topics. You can leave a comment on the Google Spreadsheet, a comment on this GitHub issue, or send us an email at


Please comment on this proposal by Friday, 25 October midnight UTC. @fmichonneau, @ErinBecker, and members of the @carpentries/lesson-infrastructure-committee will respond here to answer questions and summarise potential paths forward.

dvanic commented 4 years ago

I'm not sure whether to tag cloud genomics with shell as a skill we teach, as it is what we use but not necessarily explicitly teach per se...

remram44 commented 4 years ago

The 'workshop' and 'workshop-website' topics already exist, I recommend using one of those rather than 'workshop-overview' which is not currently used anywhere on the site. It's a bit too descriptive and too specific to the Carpentries' workflow, let's pick something that makes sense in the wider GitHub community.

Similarly, 'spreadsheet' is more popular than 'spreadsheets'; 'image-processing' (or 'computer-vision') is more popular than 'image-analysis' (and have official descriptions). 'data-management' is also a widely used term (in academia/libraries) while 'data-organization' is only used by 1 repository.

'webscraping' has alternatives 'scraping' (most popular) and 'web-scraping' (my preferred spelling but less widely used), I'm not sure what should be used. Similarly, 'versioning' is more popular than 'version-control' (though 'version-control' is my preferred spelling too).

fmichonneau commented 4 years ago

@remram44 thanks for checking the popularity of the different tags. It's going to be useful to figure out which one to choose.

fmichonneau commented 4 years ago

the RFC has been edited and the period for comments has been set to last until Friday, 25 October at midnight (UTC).

remram44 commented 4 years ago

the RFC has been edited

What are the changes? Google Docs doesn't let people without edit access view the history :slightly_frowning_face:

ErinBecker commented 4 years ago

@remram44 - The changes that @fmichonneau is talking about are to the GH issue, not to the Google Doc. He updated the "Timeline" to add a comment-by date.

ErinBecker commented 4 years ago

@dvanic - that's a good question! The same question applies to other lessons that use one technology to teach another (e.g. Git lesson uses shell). Any suggestions from @swcarpenty/git-novice-maintainers, @swcarpentry/git-novice-es-maintainers?

Edit: Looks like I can't tag teams from other GH organizations. ☹️

maxim-belkin commented 4 years ago

On behalf of the maintainers of python-novice-inflammation lesson: we'll discuss which "topics_skills" we think are appropriate and get back to you.. ETA: a few days.

ErinBecker commented 4 years ago

Summary of discussion at 1st Maintainer meeting today:

ErinBecker commented 4 years ago

Thank you everyone for your feedback on this conversation! @fmichonneau and I will be meeting tomorrow to discuss this feedback and plan a timeline for implementing topics across all of The Carpentries repos.

ErinBecker commented 4 years ago

Based on feedback, I've updated the Google Sheet. In cases where there were alternatives for the proposed tags, I included multiple alternatives when they were similar in frequency of usage, and included only the more popular topic when it was at least an order of magnitude more frequent. Since we're not limited in the number of topics on a repo, and our primary goal for using this feature is to enhance discoverability, I lean towards using more tags where there is evidence that the community is using both tags.

Summary of changes:

maxim-belkin commented 4 years ago

For SWC/Python-novice-inflammation lesson, could you please add the following topics?

programming data-analysis data-visualization automation functions loops matplotlib numpy

fmichonneau commented 4 years ago

the topics have been added to the lessons.

remram44 commented 4 years ago

Did GitHub remove the pagination from the topic pages? I see 8 repos on each topic page with no way to browse more?