carpentries / sandpaper

User Interface for The Carpentries Workbench
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bullet points from a list appear separated from the items of the list #573

Open dpshelio opened 5 months ago

dpshelio commented 5 months ago

Bullet points inside a solution block are shown in separate lines.


Looking at the source md files I can't see any problem. Looking at the html generated files, I see that the text of the bullet points are in paragraphs <p>, whereas other bullet points in the page (like the ones seen in the image within the challenge itself aren't):

<li><p>Coordinate with your instructional team. Hosts will need
information from you to advertise the workshop. Helpers will need to
know what you expect from them. More communication is better, but it is
also important to respect people’s time.</p></li>
<li><p>If you have time to do some advance preparation together, try
drawing a concept map together or teaching a short snippet of the
lessons for each other.</p></li>
froggleston commented 4 months ago

Hey @dpshelio - what pandoc version are you using?