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Improve jumping behavior for foldout fenced divs in AIO page #146

Open ndporter opened 2 months ago

ndporter commented 2 months ago

Some fenced divs on all in one pages (I haven't gotten it to replicate in episode pages) jump to odd locations when clicked to fold out or close, and can cover the very challenge or solution you're trying to display.

On the Instructor training, this challenge behaves as expected for me, not moving the page, just opening the foldout, whereas this challenge moves the vertical position on the screen every time it's clicked and can cover up the challenge or solution in doing so.

In the new LC Python lesson, this challenge jumps, whereas the one immediately following doesn't seem to. In either case, in the main episode page, they don't jump at all.

This issue isn't high priority, since it's easy to scroll back, but it may be worth poking around at.