carrascoacd / ArduinoSIM800L

Arduino HTTP & FTP client for SIM800L/SIM800 boards to perform GET and POST requests to a JSON API as well as FTP uploads.
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Getting Post Error #10

Closed rizban114406 closed 6 years ago

rizban114406 commented 6 years ago

Every Time I am Sending data to the server I am getting this response +HTTPACTION: 1,400,169. Can you please tell me the exact syntax of sending a single value. my api receives a single value. my data is like this {"data": [{"employee": 26, "fingernumber": 4}]"}

carrascoacd commented 6 years ago


You are receving a Bad Request error (400) from your server, it means the request is malformed syntax. Show me the code that calls the post() method in arduino

rizban114406 commented 6 years ago

Hello, Hope You are doing well. I will get back to you about post method after some time. currently I am using GET method to send data. Have not used your library as I have a very short time to complete my project. So For initial release I am not using your library. As you are expert in this Please help me out on a problem related to Get Method.

AT+HTTPPARA="URL"," http://myServerIpAddess/carcopolo_arduino/Json_index.php?tag=insertdevicedata&data={ "data":[{"userid":1,"trip_reference":12434243,"latitude":"23.7907832","longitude":"90.4090195","date":"20160510","time":"12:10:02","speed":"100","distance":"100"}]}"

This is the command i am passing. But every time I am getting ERROR response. I have generated the json string using ArduinoJson Library. and Then stored this json string to a character array like this. ( root.printTo(body);)

I have copied this full command from the Serial monitor. Still I am getting error. If I directly post this url part to the browser it is returning a proper response. Can you tell me what is the problem here? Your help is really appreciated. Thanks in advance. my api receives 2 parameters, tag & data.

Best Regards, Sayed Rizban Hussain

On Thu, Mar 8, 2018 at 11:54 PM, Antonio wrote:


You are receving a Bad Request error (400) from your server, it means the request is malformed syntax. Show me the code that calls the post() method in arduino

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rizban114406 commented 6 years ago

One Finding, http://myServerIpAddess/carcopolo_arduino/Json_index.php?tag=insertdevicedata&data={ "data":[{\"userid\":1,\"trip_reference\":12434243,\"latitude\":\"23.7907832\",\"longitude\":\"90.4090195\",\"date\":\"20160510\",\"time\":\"12:10:02\",\"speed\":\"100\",\"distance\":\"100\"}]}"

if i send it like this( \ before every ") it is returning a OK response. how can I make my json array like this?? I have just used root.printTo(body) function to copy jsonobject to my character array.

rizban114406 commented 6 years ago


carrascoacd commented 6 years ago


To send a get request you need to url encode your params But I suggest to use a post request for this case as is the way of doing it in other case you will have a lot of problems. In the post request you send the data in the body so its easy to build and understand. I'm going to close this issue as is not related to the library, if you need help, write me an email :)

rizban114406 commented 6 years ago


Thank you so much for your response. I have downloaded you library. And prepared a Sample Json data using ArduinoJson Library. Then for sending it to the server I have copied it to a Character Array (body). My API receives two parameters (tag, data). For your better understanding I am attaching a screen shot of Postman where I have tested my api. The code that I have created is Also given below,




void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); delay(4000); char body[200];

DynamicJsonBuffer jBuffer; JsonObject& root = jBuffer.createObject(); JsonObject& root2 = jBuffer.createObject(); JsonArray& data = root.createNestedArray("data"); root2["userid"] = 1; root2["trip_reference"] = 12434243; root2["latitude"] = "23.7907832"; root2["longitude"] = "90.4090195"; root2["date"] = "20160510"; root2["time"] = "12:10:02"; root2["speed"] = "100"; root2["distance"] = "100"; data.add(root2);


unsigned int RX_PIN = 7; unsigned int TX_PIN = 8; unsigned int RST_PIN = 12; HTTP http(9600, RX_PIN, TX_PIN, RST_PIN); http.configureBearer(""); http.connect();

char response[256]; Result result ="IP_Address/carcopolo_arduino/Json_index.php",body, response);




void loop() { // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:


Sample Data :

tag = insertdevicedata data = {"data": [{"userid": 1,"trip_reference": 12434243,"latitude": "23.7907832","longitude": "90.4090195","date": "20160510","time": "12:10:02","speed": "100","distance": "100"}}]}

Can You please guide me what changes should i made to send this data using your library? You have called your post method like this,

Result result ="IP_Address/carcopolo_arduino/Json_index.php",body, response);

what will be the exact structure/syntax of my body variable?

Really looking forward to your reply. Please guide me with an example if possible. That would be a great help for me.

Thank you, Sayed Rizban Hussain

carrascoacd commented 6 years ago

An example: