Open carribeiro opened 13 years ago
More detail:
1) The "index" view (the root of the website) needs to be a redirect page. 2) If the user is from the staff (request.user.is_staff), redirect it to the "/staff" page, which will use the staff_home view.. 3) If the user is not from the staff (is a publisher), redirect it to the "/customer" page, which will use the customer_home view. 4) The current index page will become the new "customer_home" view.
After some changes on other parts of the project, the expected behavior is:
1) After login, all users are directed to the index view (url: ^/$
2) The index view will check if the user is_staff or not.
3) Staff users will be directed to the transfer_queue view (url: ^transfer_queue/$
4) Normal customers (publishers) will be redirected to the publisher view (url: ^publisher/$
5) The publisher view is the same as the old main_form.
The main_form for VDN staff should be different from the one that's seen by the publishers.