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Warnings when running specs on CI #1814

Open thomasfedb opened 8 years ago

thomasfedb commented 8 years ago

When running specs, the following warnings are generated:

JRuby only:

file:/home/travis/.rvm/rubies/jruby-1.7.19-d19/lib/jruby.jar!/jruby/kernel19/kernel.rb:28 warning: unsupported exec option: close_others

JRuby only:

/home/travis/.rvm/gems/jruby-1.7.19-d19/gems/fog-aws-0.7.6/lib/fog/aws/storage.rb:6 warning: already initialized constant COMPLIANT_BUCKET_NAMES
/home/travis/.rvm/gems/jruby-1.7.19-d19/gems/fog-aws-0.7.6/lib/fog/aws/storage.rb:8 warning: already initialized constant DEFAULT_REGION
/home/travis/.rvm/gems/jruby-1.7.19-d19/gems/fog-aws-0.7.6/lib/fog/aws/storage.rb:10 warning: already initialized constant DEFAULT_SCHEME
/home/travis/.rvm/gems/jruby-1.7.19-d19/gems/fog-aws-0.7.6/lib/fog/aws/storage.rb:11 warning: already initialized constant DEFAULT_SCHEME_PORT
/home/travis/.rvm/gems/jruby-1.7.19-d19/gems/fog-aws-0.7.6/lib/fog/aws/storage.rb:16 warning: already initialized constant VALID_QUERY_KEY

Rails 4.2 only:

DEPRECATION WARNING: Currently, Active Record suppresses errors raised within `after_rollback`/`after_commit` callbacks and only print them to the logs. In the next version, these errors will no longer be suppressed. Instead, the errors will propagate normally just like in other Active Record callbacks.
You can opt into the new behavior and remove this warning by setting:
  config.active_record.raise_in_transactional_callbacks = true
mehlah commented 8 years ago

I just PRed #1815 with a fix for AR depreciation warnings when running the cucumber suite.

The first JRuby warning you mention can't be fixed by us. It's a Bundler issue that seems fixed but not yet released (ref

The other JRuby warnings about already defined constants comes from fog-aws gem (see fog-aws build log for almost the same warnings Same thing, can't be fixed by us :wink:

thomasfedb commented 8 years ago

Issues with Fog::Aws discussed here: