carrot / charge

A bundle of useful middleware and tools for serving static sites
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Potentially Useful Middleware #14

Open jescalan opened 10 years ago

jescalan commented 10 years ago

We are all about bundling nice stuff into charge if it could be useful for static sites. Of course, you are still able to add any middleware you want already and no core middleware will be used unless you specify options for it, but essential middleware specifically for serving static sites is always a good call.

scottcorgan commented 10 years ago

@jenius a headache we had with prerender-node is that it's only written for Express. Would love to see the solution you come up with!

jescalan commented 10 years ago

Ah, good to know, thanks @scottcorgan! We might end up forking and modding it, we'll see

EDIT: Looks like it would be fairly straightforward to fork this and submit a PR such that it works with anything from a bare node server up, just replacing a few express-specific methods on req and res.