carrot / charge

A bundle of useful middleware and tools for serving static sites
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Refactor #9

Closed jescalan closed 10 years ago

jescalan commented 10 years ago

So this refactor moves around a bit of logic. The biggest change is that all the websocket methods now go directly on the server object rather than the app object. This is because these methods can't be executed anyway when the server hasn't been started, so they might as well be added to the server itself. Other changes made here include:

jescalan commented 10 years ago

Ok @kylemac, edited the description (really hard to explain this in an overview sense) and added a wonderful svg of the diagram!

coveralls commented 10 years ago

Coverage Status

Coverage decreased (-1.01%) when pulling 4478b9e30f0882d2e8798e583707ace133488e8c on refactor into 0b93608518015f4f430d7bab3b1e9864d08886b9 on master.

jescalan commented 10 years ago

So this is looking pretty good, we're at 99% coverage and really only need one more test to ensure that every part of the websocket functionality is working smoothly (connecting and disconnecting with multiple clients, which I still have to figure out how to do with websocket-driver).

I'm going to merge this in, all that's left here other than that one test is the CLI which I'll be working on tomorrow!