carrot / roots-browserify

Roots v3 extension that uses browserify as a javascript pipeline
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When compiling roots doesn't output the browserify errors #26

Open sospedra opened 8 years ago

sospedra commented 8 years ago

We came from here:

It's an issue pretty specific and small but it's really annoying. When compiling the roots project sometimes it stuck forever and never finish to compile. So, I investigated (with a loved help from the Gitter) and I realised that the problem is when browserify throw any error. Then, the compile never ends and roots doesn't show the error trace. It's like one of the most difficult problems to debug!

So, I understand that the problem is that roots doesn't output the browserify errors.

P.S.: Sorry for misspells and this bad report I'm tired and I don't know how to express myself better.