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140 connect fire widgets to database 2 #204

Closed Davis245 closed 5 months ago

Davis245 commented 5 months ago

Another pull request for this issue. Here is the previous pull request's description:

This is a copy of the pull request #190. It was easier to make a new branch than deal with the git conflicts.

Here is the description from the old pull request:

Added logic to updateDataHTML in map.js to check what page the user is on before updating widgets. Added all the fire widgets JavaScript methods to the updateDataHTML method in map.js. Rounded values from the database to be integer values Added functionality for when data is not set. For FFMC, DMC, DC, ISI, BUI, and FWI the arrow goes to value zero on the scale and the text gets set to "N/A". For the Fire Danger Rating, the arrow just gets removed. Closes #140