carsonfarmer / fastpair

FastPair: Data-structure for the dynamic closest-pair problem.
MIT License
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`initialized` via `build()`? #58

Open jGaboardi opened 3 weeks ago

jGaboardi commented 3 weeks ago

The conga line structure must have min_points to be initialized from the FastPair class. However, when an instance is created via there is no assumption any min_points.

Should we perhaps throw a warning if min_points are not yet met when calling .build()?

Also, here in test_iter().

carsonfarmer commented 2 weeks ago

Yes good point, for consistency, it should probably be throwing a warning or error.

jGaboardi commented 1 week ago

I think a warning is best since there is sound logic for simply doing the brute-force when min_points aren't met.