carsonyl / pypac

Find and use proxy auto-config (PAC) files with Python and Requests.
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Switch dukpy libraries to remove memory leaks #31

Closed maximinus closed 5 years ago

maximinus commented 5 years ago

Using pypac with amol-/dukpy as the dukpy lib leaves us on duktape 1.4 and there is a memory leak.

Switching to kovidgoyal/dukpy switches to duktape 2.0 and removes the memory leak.

Unfortunately, I could find no way of fixing the so that the new dukpy could be pulled in automatically. To install, you would need to do something like:

    # setup python virtualenv
    pip install wheel
    git clone
    cd dukpy
    python bdist_wheel
    cd dist
    pip install <wheel_file_in_folder>
    cd ../..
    git clone
    cd pypac
    python bdist_wheel
    cd dist
    pip install <wheel_file_in_folder>
carsonyl commented 5 years ago

Thanks for looking into this issue. However, this pull request is a non-starter: I can't have PyPAC depend on a library that isn't distributed on PyPI. Hopefully we can find an alternate solution.