carsonyl / pypac

Find and use proxy auto-config (PAC) files with Python and Requests.
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Is my PACSession setting the wrong proxy string? #40

Closed HsuTimothy closed 5 years ago

HsuTimothy commented 5 years ago

I created a PACSession with a pac url but it seems to be incorrectly setting the proxy as "PROXY proxyIP:port" instead of just using "proxyIP:port".

I've created 2 test cases to illustrate my problem:

from pypac import PACSession, get_pac, download_pac
import requests

url = ""
pac = get_pac(url=pac_url, allowed_content_types=['text/plain])

This works
proxy = pac.find_proxy_for_url("", "")
proxy = proxy.split(" ")[1]

proxies = { 'https': proxy, 'http': proxy }

s = requests.Session()
s.proxies = proxies

r = s.get(url)

This doesn't work
s = PACSession(pac)
r = s.get(url)