carsonyl / pypac

Find and use proxy auto-config (PAC) files with Python and Requests.
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how to get past pacs at workplace in anaconda(spyder) #7

Closed sagar-m closed 7 years ago

sagar-m commented 7 years ago


I added the pypac module, and ran the following in ipython console of anaconda(spyder):

from pypac import PACSession

session = PACSession() session.get('') Out[554]: <Response [407]>

What do I do next if i need to "pip install implicit"?

Still not clear how to go about downloading modules in anaconda by getting past pacs. Normally when i am websurfing i always have to enter user and password for proxy.

Is pypac the right way?

Thank you so much for your help. This is very frustating! :-)

Best regards, Sagar

carsonyl commented 7 years ago

Using package managers while behind a PAC network still seems to be an unsolved problem, so I don't think I can help you there.

The 407 response means Proxy Authentication Required. Hopefully, your proxy just needs Basic authentication. See for details. Hope that helps!

carsonyl commented 7 years ago

Here's an idea to get package managers like pip to work behind a PAC network.

Find your PAC file, and open it to find out what the actual proxy server is. Then define the HTTP_PROXY and HTTPS_PROXY environment variables, giving them a value following the pattern http://user:password@proxy-host:port. pip should honour this environment variable. This way, by specifying an actual proxy, you avoid the problem of trying to get pip to recognize PACs.

The username and password in that environment variable will only work with proxies that require Basic authentication.

sagar-m commented 7 years ago

Hi, thanks.

This is what I use in R:

Sys.setenv(http_proxy = "http://user:pwd@FGProxy1:3128") Sys.setenv(HTTPS_PROXY = "http://pwd@FGProxy1:3128")

And few more additional lines as per curl and httr package and it works.

However, in python:

I thought the following python code would work, but it did not, maybe because i have not specified my proxy (FGProxy1:3128) here:

from pypac import PACSession from requests.auth import HTTPProxyAuth session = PACSession(proxy_auth=HTTPProxyAuth('login', 'pwd'))

In addition, simply entering the below code in the text editor of anaconda (spyder) and trying to install "pip install gc" in command prompt failed.

HTTP_PROXY = "http://user:pwd@FGProxy1:3128" HTTPS_PROXY = "http://user:pwd@FGProxy1:3128"

Please help! :)

Thank you.

carsonyl commented 7 years ago

The Python equivalent of your R example is:

import os
os.environ['HTTP_PROXY'] = 'http://user:pwd@FGProxy:3128'
os.environ['HTTPS_PROXY'] = 'http://user:pwd@FGProxy:3128'

However, in order for pip to pick up these environment variables, you need to set them outside of Python. On Windows, this is done in System > Environment Variables.

Your code example using PyPAC should work. What error does it return? Please share the proxy-authenticate header of the error response object.

sagar-m commented 7 years ago

from pypac import PACSession from requests.auth import HTTPProxyAuth session = PACSession(proxy_auth=HTTPProxyAuth('login', 'pwd'))

Executed the above code in text editor.

Hi, I get the following error when I try installing implicit module.

pip install implicit ### in command prompt

Collecting implicit

Retrying (Retry(total=4, connect=None, read=None, redirect=None)) after connection broken by 'NewConnectionError('<pip._vendor.requests.packages.urllib3.connection.VerifiedHTTPSConnection object at 0x000001BA6EA2F8D0>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno 11002] getaddrinfo failed',)': /simple/implicit/

carsonyl commented 7 years ago

The code you run in Python does not affect the environment that pip runs in. They're separate contexts. I don't think I can help you further than the instructions in my last comment.