carstenbauer / MonteCarlo.jl

Classical and quantum Monte Carlo simulations in Julia
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Clean up DQMC model(s) #86

Closed ffreyer closed 3 years ago

ffreyer commented 3 years ago

You can currently create am attractive Hubbard model with any lattice, but the docstring and the constructors do nott reflect that.

ffreyer commented 3 years ago

There's also some cleaning up on the interface that needs to be done. For example, I added lattice(::DQMC) and lattice(::Model), so now it makes sense to move away from nsites(model) and use length(lattice(...)) instead.

Changed in #87

ffreyer commented 3 years ago

For performance it would also be good/interesting to give more control over what the interaction matrix is and how it is initialized. A Diagonal would surely perform better than a Matrix here.

Added in #88