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Mockups for the UI #259

Open FezVrasta opened 8 years ago

FezVrasta commented 8 years ago



I had sent them to @mxstbr but seems like he's quite busy lately, so I'm posting them here.


mxstbr commented 8 years ago

Ah sorry, I must've missed your message, I'm really sorry! My bad! :-1:

I'm not a big fan of the material style, it looks kind of inunique. While I don't fully agree with everything said there, I like #246 more as a general direction. What do you think?

FezVrasta commented 8 years ago

We have to admit that both the mockups looks pretty anonymous... Between the two, I prefer the material design style, but it's personal preference.

FezVrasta commented 8 years ago

We could adopt the solution of #264 which seems better in terms of UX, and improve the styling of it when the basic markup is ready?

mxstbr commented 8 years ago

Sounds reasonable. We have to release on friday, so we're going to do it the way it is right now but I'm open to explorations after that!