carteb / carte-blanche

An isolated development space with integrated fuzz testing for your components. See them individually, explore them in different states and quickly and confidently develop them.
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Integrate with Recon #293

Open mxstbr opened 8 years ago

mxstbr commented 8 years ago

@chrisui release Recon at ReactEurope a few days ago, and it's basically a much better react-docgen!

We should look into replacing docgen with this asap:

jdfweb commented 8 years ago

+1 on this too!

chrisui commented 8 years ago


So a quick update: I will be on holiday for the next week and a bit but after that I will be around to personally get Recon integrated into Carte Blanche!

Before that I'm hoping to put together some docs around the interfaces of Recon so that we can, as a community, ensure everyone's tool's needs are met :)

mxstbr commented 8 years ago

Awesome, I can't wait! The data recon puts out seems a lot more intricate than docgen, and it'll hopefully improve the experience for everyone. (imported PropTypes?!)

unindented commented 7 years ago

@chrisui any progress here? Any way I can help?

chrisui commented 7 years ago

Right. So sorry about the delay and silence! Had a much needed holiday extension and have some crazy things occurring at work.

I have pushed a new version of recon-engine (the guts behind recon) which is, I'm happy to say, working very well on our pretty extensive and intricate codebase at Lystable. I'm soon going to be reaching out to whoever I can to try and target all the edge cases there are bound to be. Note this is not a very user friendly version to begin with.

Current example output (across ~1,500 modules with ~700 components, takes 15 seconds to generate) can be found here: which is generated from this query:

Highlights here are pulling out prop usage data, dependencies, dependants etc!

The current big blockers for any usage within carte-blanch I see are:

Anyway just wanted to give a quick update on progress and allow any further questions to be asked!