carteb / carte-blanche

An isolated development space with integrated fuzz testing for your components. See them individually, explore them in different states and quickly and confidently develop them.
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CSS issues? #303

Closed christianalfoni closed 8 years ago

christianalfoni commented 8 years ago

Hi there,

Really great project!

Running this project there seems to be CSS issues with it? Notice that the content of the modal is not taking up all the space, the right scrollbar there.

There is no save button, so can not create examples of my components?

screen shot 2016-06-07 at 10 41 08

wmertens commented 8 years ago

Seeing the same thing, also the sidebar does not scroll if there are too many components.

The props are auto-save though, so that works.

mxstbr commented 8 years ago

Dang, @nikgraf that ones for you I think!

@christianalfoni what browser/device are you on?

The props are auto-save though, so that works.

We should add a "Saving…"/"Saved!" indicator for the autosave functionality! #305

christianalfoni commented 8 years ago

Using latest Chrome.

would suggest adding a bit opacity to the modal so that you can see the component changing in the background. Makes it a little bit more intuitive maybe.

I think I was confused by the demo picture where it looked like you were adding multiple components to "Core" and "edge case". Maybe use an example with a simple button where you say "primary", "secondary" etc. The list just threw me off a bit, so was looking for a way to add and save multiple components. Anyways... it might be me being stupid :)

I can send you a picture of our project with some buttons to suggest changing it.

mxstbr commented 8 years ago

Yeah, the UI/UX of the thing is by far not perfect yet. See #246 and #259 for more information.

nikgraf commented 8 years ago

@christianalfoni I just tried to run it. Checkout out the branch and did npm install & npm start, but id didn't work. Anything else I need to do?

I get a couple of these:

ERROR in ./common/IconSVG/index.js
Module not found: Error: Cannot resolve module 'ducky-assets/vector_graphics/activities/act_consumption_01_repair.svg' in /path/to/project/ducky-components/common/IconSVG
 @ ./common/IconSVG/index.js 19:33-113

One thing I noticed is that you guys use React 0.14.8. In theory we could package React into the client bundle and only use your React version for the iFrame. This is not the case right now, which might break the app.

christianalfoni commented 8 years ago

Be sure to check out the cartheblanch branch... typo there, hehe.

Also I have pushed the ducky-assets in there now, so it is part of the project. ACtually a hidden repo... but nothing secret there.

So just pull and checkout cartheblanch, it should work :)

nikgraf commented 8 years ago

@christianalfoni works now, thx

nikgraf commented 8 years ago

@christianalfoni Just discovered the issue: right now we don't get out the css from ExtractTextPlugin inside the iFrame. We need to fix this on our side. Hopefully in the next couple days. I got it working using the raw style loader. For some reason the icons inside an ActionButton are missing while working fine on the / root page. Any ideas?

I created a PR:

screen shot 2016-06-07 at 14 53 51 screen shot 2016-06-07 at 14 58 06
christianalfoni commented 8 years ago

Great stuff, thanks :)

We do not need to use extract plugin in development anyways, so I can turn that off.

About the images it might be because we use a relative path to get them, but should absolute path. So it tries to find image on /carte-blanche/someimage.png, but it is located on : /someimage.png... Let me look into it and let you know :)

christianalfoni commented 8 years ago

Ah no, it is some fonts we load in our index.html file

christianalfoni commented 8 years ago

Hm, is there any strategy for loading stylesheets in the carte-blanche dashboard?

christianalfoni commented 8 years ago

I can write a stylesheet loader plugin maybe :)

nikgraf commented 8 years ago

@christianalfoni yep there is a files option as well as the injectTags option for the React plugin. Still need to document them 😄

christianalfoni commented 8 years ago

Sweet! though... hm:

    ReactPlugin = require('carte-blanche-react-plugin');


        new CarteBlanche({
            componentRoot: './common',
            plugins: [
                new ReactPlugin({
                    injectTags: [
                        '<link rel="stylesheet" href="">',

Can not see the tag is injected looking at the source of the html, and no icon there, hm hm

nikgraf commented 8 years ago

Did you push? I can double check what's going on 🙌

christianalfoni commented 8 years ago

Pushed, awesome, big thanks :)

nikgraf commented 8 years ago

@christianalfoni Just checkout out your version. The tag actually was injected, but in the body. I moved them into the head with this PR, but I don't think it makes a difference. May it be that it was the wrong CSS file?

screen shot 2016-06-08 at 08 24 12

In the css file I could only find classes like: zmdi-battery, but even by using the string zmdi-battery I saw a broken character in the action button. At least it was there, but seems like font-loading didn't execute properly.

nikgraf commented 8 years ago

@wmertens @christianalfoni Max already merged a PR to make the left sidebar scrollable 🙌

christianalfoni commented 8 years ago

Can you have tags in the body? Thought they were required in the head tag... hm hm... anyways, big thanks. Will try it out next week again. Big thanks for all your help @nikgraf !

mxstbr commented 8 years ago

Can you have tags in the body?

It's HTML, you can have everything everywhere. :grin:

christianalfoni commented 8 years ago

Aha, in HTML4: “This element defines a link. Unlike A, it may only appear in the HEAD section of a document, although it may appear any number of times.” HTML5 it is okay :) Though yes, bad practice I would suggest as styles are not added before body renders... of course depending on scenario. Anyways, good to know :)

mxstbr commented 8 years ago

Absolutely agreed, very bad practice! It's fixed now anyway, that was just my quickly-finish-this-before-launch-coding :grin: