cartesi / explorer

Cartesi Blockchain Explorer
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yarn storybook command not working properly #75

Closed brunomenezes closed 1 year ago

brunomenezes commented 1 year ago

πŸ“„ Context

Currently, we are using Storybook, and for every pull-request and push, we publish to Chromatic. Apparently, it works as expected since we use the storybook-build command and publish the folder with the static content. But if we use the yarn storybook command inside the apps/staking folder, for example, or in the root of the project through turborepo task, the build goes well (without any failures), the app opens, but all the stories display this Storybook preview hook error message.

βœ”οΈ Solution

Recently we did some upgrades in the storybook libs/deps. An investigation would be necessary to see in which tag for example that problem may have been introduced, the tags may help to narrow down the changes since we have compares defined inside the

πŸ“ˆ Subtasks

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