cartographer-project / cartographer

Cartographer is a system that provides real-time simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) in 2D and 3D across multiple platforms and sensor configurations.
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IMU sensitivity is too high #1942

Open EmirEvcil opened 6 months ago

EmirEvcil commented 6 months ago

I'm trying to integrate imu (MPU9250) into google cartographer. I publish the IMU data I obtain to the /imu topic by passing it through the Madgwick filter. When I check the sensor with ros_imu_plugin, the movement seems to be very smooth and working properly. However, when you set use_imu = true in Google Cartographer, the mapping becomes very stupid and the orientation of the base_link changes very quickly, so the sensitivity seems to be very low. Even a little movement causes a lot of rotation. What is the reason of this ? I had this problem before in ros_imu_plugin, but I fixed it by playing with the parameters in the Madgwick filter, but I don't know how to solve it in google cartograph. I would also like to point out that I did 2D mapping.

include "map_builder.lua" include "trajectory_builder.lua"

options = { map_builder = MAP_BUILDER, trajectory_builder = TRAJECTORY_BUILDER, map_frame = "map", tracking_frame = "base_link", published_frame = "base_link", odom_frame = "odom", provide_odom_frame = true, publish_frame_projected_to_2d = true, use_odometry = false, use_nav_sat = false, use_landmarks = false, num_laser_scans = 1, num_multi_echo_laser_scans = 0, num_subdivisions_per_laser_scan = 1, num_point_clouds = 0, lookup_transform_timeout_sec = 0.2, submap_publish_period_sec = 0.3, pose_publish_period_sec = 5e-3, trajectory_publish_period_sec = 30e-3, rangefinder_sampling_ratio = 1., odometry_sampling_ratio = 1., fixed_frame_pose_sampling_ratio = 1., imu_sampling_ratio = 1., landmarks_sampling_ratio = 1., }

MAP_BUILDER.use_trajectory_builder_2d = true

TRAJECTORY_BUILDER_2D.min_range = 0.5 TRAJECTORY_BUILDER_2D.max_range = 8. TRAJECTORY_BUILDER_2D.missing_data_ray_length = 8.5 TRAJECTORY_BUILDER_2D.use_imu_data = false TRAJECTORY_BUILDER_2D.use_online_correlative_scan_matching = true TRAJECTORY_BUILDER_2D.real_time_correlative_scan_matcher.linear_search_window = 0.1 TRAJECTORY_BUILDER_2D.real_time_correlative_scan_matcher.translation_delta_cost_weight = 10. TRAJECTORY_BUILDER_2D.real_time_correlative_scan_matcher.rotation_delta_cost_weight = 1e-1 TRAJECTORY_BUILDER_2D.motion_filter.max_angle_radians = math.rad(0.2) -- for current lidar only 1 is good value TRAJECTORY_BUILDER_2D.num_accumulated_range_data = 1

POSE_GRAPH.constraint_builder.min_score = 0.65 POSE_GRAPH.constraint_builder.global_localization_min_score = 0.65 POSE_GRAPH.optimization_problem.huber_scale = 1e2 POSE_GRAPH.optimize_every_n_nodes = 35

return options

bufeng-12 commented 6 months ago

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EmirEvcil commented 6 months ago

header: seq: 780885 stamp: secs: 1703943037 nsecs: 214104413 frame_id: "base_link" orientation: x: -0.8021243250537446 y: -0.021046560940722856 z: 0.5868600885324634 w: -0.10839209342619172 orientation_covariance: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] angular_velocity: x: -0.244140625 y: 0.54931640625 z: 0.0 angular_velocity_covariance: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] linear_acceleration: x: -0.267578125 y: -0.69921875 z: 1.32373046875 linear_acceleration_covariance: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]

imu data that i publish