Closed MontyTHall closed 4 years ago
[1537812445.970344829]: W0924 14:07:25.000000 22978] Queue waiting for data: (0, imu)
If you don't publish imu data, you need to set TRAJECTORY_BUILDER_2D.use_imu_data = false
What message type is your laser scanner publishing? Since you seem to use 3D lidars, you probably publish PointCloud2 messages, in which case you need to set num_point_clouds = 1,
As the issue template says, posting the output of cartographer_rosbag_validate would help (finding these configuration/input mismatches)
Isn't cartographer_rosbag_validate for bag files? I'm only using pcaps. However, "TRAJECTORY_BUILDER_2D.use_imu_data=false" silenced the IMU messages. "stuff" starts to appear, but it looks like it's it's updating only occasionaly and isn't building a map. I was going to post a screen shot, but it doesn't look like I can. My pcap is me driving around some city blocks. All I get is a white blob after a few minutes.
Using "num_laser_scan = 1 & num_point_clouds=0" I get "something/junk". If I "num_laser_scan=0 & num_point_clouds=1" I get nothing. I tried "<remap from="velodyne_points" to="point2"/>
" in my cartographer_node with no effect. Note, I used "point2" because of this message on the console: "[ WARN] [1537894907.378683923]: W0925 13:01:47.000000 21935] Expected topic "points2" (trajectory 0) (resolved topic "/points2") but no publisher is currently active.
Isn't cartographer_rosbag_validate for bag files? I'm only using pcaps.
Sure, but we can hardly help unless you record a bag file and post the rosbag_validate output (as text).
Here's what I get run I run rosbag validate:
E0926 10:19:03.495780 9345] Sensor with frame_id "velodyne" is not sequential in time.Previous range message ends at time 636735682078657500, current one at time 636735682078657500
E0926 10:19:03.496206 9345] Sensor with frame_id "velodyne" jumps backwards in time, i.e. timestamps are not strictly increasing. Make sure that the bag contains the data for each frame_id sorted by header.stamp, i.e. the order in which they were acquired from the sensor.
E0926 10:19:03.496220 9345] frame_id "velodyne" is send on multiple topics. It was seen at least on /scan and /velodyne_points
E0926 10:19:03.499403 9345] Sensor with frame_id "velodyne" is not sequential in time.Previous range message ends at time 636735682079658630, current one at time 636735682079658630
E0926 10:19:03.499581 9345] Sensor with frame_id "velodyne" jumps backwards in time, i.e. timestamps are not strictly increasing. Make sure that the bag contains the data for each frame_id sorted by header.stamp, i.e. the order in which they were acquired from the sensor.
E0926 10:19:03.499591 9345] frame_id "velodyne" is send on multiple topics. It was seen at least on /scan and /velodyne_points
E0926 10:19:03.502071 9345] Sensor with frame_id "velodyne" is not sequential in time.Previous range message ends at time 636735682080659790, current one at time 636735682080659790
E0926 10:19:03.502099 9345] Sensor with frame_id "velodyne" jumps backwards in time, i.e. timestamps are not strictly increasing. Make sure that the bag contains the data for each frame_id sorted by header.stamp, i.e. the order in which they were acquired from the sensor.
E0926 10:19:03.502105 9345] frame_id "velodyne" is send on multiple topics. It was seen at least on /scan and /velodyne_points
E0926 10:19:03.502382 9345] Input contains transform message from frame_id "map" to child_frame_id "odom". This is almost always output published by cartographer and should not appear as input. (Unless you have some complex remove_frames configuration, this is will not work. Simplest solution is to record input without cartographer running.)
E0926 10:19:03.519035 9345] Sensor with frame_id "velodyne" is not sequential in time.Previous range message ends at time 636735682087667380, current one at time 636735682087667380
E0926 10:19:03.525486 9345] Sensor with frame_id "velodyne" is not sequential in time.Previous range message ends at time 636735682090670650, current one at time 636735682090670650
E0926 10:19:03.536233 9345] Sensor with frame_id "velodyne" is not sequential in time.Previous range message ends at time 636735682095676160, current one at time 636735682095676160
W0926 10:19:03.818801 9345] Sensor with frame_id "velodyne" range measurements have longest overlap of 0 s
E0926 10:19:03.818845 9345] Point data (frame_id: "map") has a large gap, largest is 1.00114 s, recommended is [0.0005, 0.05] s with no jitter.
I0926 10:19:03.818882 9345] Time delta histogram for consecutive messages on topic "/scan_matched_points2" (frame_id: "map"):
Count: 13 Min: 1.001073 Max: 1.001144 Mean: 1.001106
[1.001073, 1.001080) ### Count: 2 (15.384615%) Total: 2 (15.384615%)
[1.001080, 1.001087) ### Count: 2 (15.384615%) Total: 4 (30.769230%)
[1.001087, 1.001094) ## Count: 1 (7.692307%) Total: 5 (38.461540%)
[1.001094, 1.001101) Count: 0 (0.000000%) Total: 5 (38.461540%)
[1.001101, 1.001109) ##### Count: 3 (23.076923%) Total: 8 (61.538460%)
[1.001109, 1.001116) ## Count: 1 (7.692307%) Total: 9 (69.230766%)
[1.001116, 1.001123) ## Count: 1 (7.692307%) Total: 10 (76.923080%)
[1.001123, 1.001130) Count: 0 (0.000000%) Total: 10 (76.923080%)
[1.001130, 1.001137) ## Count: 1 (7.692307%) Total: 11 (84.615387%)
[1.001137, 1.001144] ### Count: 2 (15.384615%) Total: 13 (100.000000%)
E0926 10:19:03.818898 9345] Point data (frame_id: "velodyne") has a large gap, largest is 0.100157 s, recommended is [0.0005, 0.05] s with no jitter.
I0926 10:19:03.818928 9345] Time delta histogram for consecutive messages on topic "/scan" (frame_id: "velodyne"):
Count: 297 Min: 0.000000 Max: 0.100157 Mean: 0.049887
[0.000000, 0.010016) ########## Count: 149 (50.168350%) Total: 149 (50.168350%)
[0.010016, 0.020031) Count: 0 (0.000000%) Total: 149 (50.168350%)
[0.020031, 0.030047) Count: 0 (0.000000%) Total: 149 (50.168350%)
[0.030047, 0.040063) Count: 0 (0.000000%) Total: 149 (50.168350%)
[0.040063, 0.050079) Count: 0 (0.000000%) Total: 149 (50.168350%)
[0.050079, 0.060094) Count: 0 (0.000000%) Total: 149 (50.168350%)
[0.060094, 0.070110) Count: 0 (0.000000%) Total: 149 (50.168350%)
[0.070110, 0.080126) Count: 0 (0.000000%) Total: 149 (50.168350%)
[0.080126, 0.090141) Count: 0 (0.000000%) Total: 149 (50.168350%)
[0.090141, 0.100157] ########## Count: 148 (49.831650%) Total: 297 (100.000000%)
This is after running 180 seconds, I think the above was only for 20-30 seconds.
E0926 10:28:44.323010 12648] Sensor with frame_id "velodyne" is not sequential in time.Previous range message ends at time 636735687418775430, current one at time 636735687418775430
E0926 10:28:44.323343 12648] Sensor with frame_id "velodyne" jumps backwards in time, i.e. timestamps are not strictly increasing. Make sure that the bag contains the data for each frame_id sorted by header.stamp, i.e. the order in which they were acquired from the sensor.
E0926 10:28:44.323354 12648] frame_id "velodyne" is send on multiple topics. It was seen at least on /scan and /velodyne_points
E0926 10:28:44.325423 12648] Sensor with frame_id "velodyne" is not sequential in time.Previous range message ends at time 636735687419776410, current one at time 636735687419776410
E0926 10:28:44.325450 12648] Sensor with frame_id "velodyne" jumps backwards in time, i.e. timestamps are not strictly increasing. Make sure that the bag contains the data for each frame_id sorted by header.stamp, i.e. the order in which they were acquired from the sensor.
E0926 10:28:44.325456 12648] frame_id "velodyne" is send on multiple topics. It was seen at least on /scan and /velodyne_points
E0926 10:28:44.327921 12648] Sensor with frame_id "velodyne" is not sequential in time.Previous range message ends at time 636735687420777710, current one at time 636735687420777710
E0926 10:28:44.328073 12648] Sensor with frame_id "velodyne" jumps backwards in time, i.e. timestamps are not strictly increasing. Make sure that the bag contains the data for each frame_id sorted by header.stamp, i.e. the order in which they were acquired from the sensor.
E0926 10:28:44.328083 12648] frame_id "velodyne" is send on multiple topics. It was seen at least on /scan and /velodyne_points
E0926 10:28:44.341763 12648] Input contains transform message from frame_id "map" to child_frame_id "odom". This is almost always output published by cartographer and should not appear as input. (Unless you have some complex remove_frames configuration, this is will not work. Simplest solution is to record input without cartographer running.)
E0926 10:28:44.343950 12648] Sensor with frame_id "velodyne" is not sequential in time.Previous range message ends at time 636735687427785110, current one at time 636735687427785110
E0926 10:28:44.346051 12648] Sensor with frame_id "velodyne" is not sequential in time.Previous range message ends at time 636735687428786330, current one at time 636735687428786330
E0926 10:28:44.360522 12648] Sensor with frame_id "velodyne" is not sequential in time.Previous range message ends at time 636735687434793090, current one at time 636735687434793090
W0926 10:28:48.734419 12648] Sensor with frame_id "velodyne" range measurements have longest overlap of 0 s
E0926 10:28:48.734469 12648] Point data (frame_id: "map") has a large gap, largest is 1.25172 s, recommended is [0.0005, 0.05] s with no jitter.
I0926 10:28:48.734508 12648] Time delta histogram for consecutive messages on topic "/scan_matched_points2" (frame_id: "map"):
Count: 163 Min: 1.001061 Max: 1.251719 Mean: 1.008982
[1.001061, 1.026127) ################### Count: 154 (94.478531%) Total: 154 (94.478531%)
[1.026127, 1.051193) Count: 1 (0.613497%) Total: 155 (95.092026%)
[1.051193, 1.076258) Count: 2 (1.226994%) Total: 157 (96.319016%)
[1.076258, 1.101324) Count: 1 (0.613497%) Total: 158 (96.932518%)
[1.101324, 1.126390) Count: 0 (0.000000%) Total: 158 (96.932518%)
[1.126390, 1.151456) Count: 0 (0.000000%) Total: 158 (96.932518%)
[1.151456, 1.176522) Count: 2 (1.226994%) Total: 160 (98.159508%)
[1.176522, 1.201587) Count: 0 (0.000000%) Total: 160 (98.159508%)
[1.201587, 1.226653) Count: 1 (0.613497%) Total: 161 (98.773003%)
[1.226653, 1.251719] Count: 2 (1.226994%) Total: 163 (100.000000%)
E0926 10:28:48.734534 12648] Point data (frame_id: "velodyne") has a large gap, largest is 0.195791 s, recommended is [0.0005, 0.05] s with no jitter.
I0926 10:28:48.734596 12648] Time delta histogram for consecutive messages on topic "/scan" (frame_id: "velodyne"):
Count: 3283 Min: 0.000000 Max: 0.195791 Mean: 0.050431
[0.000000, 0.019579) ########## Count: 1642 (50.015228%) Total: 1642 (50.015228%)
[0.019579, 0.039158) Count: 0 (0.000000%) Total: 1642 (50.015228%)
[0.039158, 0.058737) Count: 0 (0.000000%) Total: 1642 (50.015228%)
[0.058737, 0.078316) Count: 0 (0.000000%) Total: 1642 (50.015228%)
[0.078316, 0.097896) Count: 0 (0.000000%) Total: 1642 (50.015228%)
[0.097896, 0.117475) ########## Count: 1601 (48.766373%) Total: 3243 (98.781601%)
[0.117475, 0.137054) Count: 35 (1.066098%) Total: 3278 (99.847702%)
[0.137054, 0.156633) Count: 2 (0.060920%) Total: 3280 (99.908623%)
[0.156633, 0.176212) Count: 1 (0.030460%) Total: 3281 (99.939079%)
[0.176212, 0.195791] Count: 2 (0.060920%) Total: 3283 (100.000000%)
Has this issue been resolved? Where is the solution?
Closing for inactivity. I would recommend to take a look at the messages printed by rosbag_validate, e.g. duplicate timestamps are problematic for Cartographer.
I'm trying to get the cartographer to run with HDL32/VLP32/VLP16 pcaps. Anybody know how to setup cartographer to work w/ pcaps? Is there an IRC or forum forum for this project? I've cloned backpack_2d.launch, backpack_2d.urdf, backpack_2d.lua as rick.launch, rick.urdf, rick.lua.
In other programs, like LOAM, I'd launch it, then launch the 'roslaunch velodyne_pointcloud VLP16.launch pcap="blah"' I was hoping to "roslaunch cartographer_ros rick.launch" and then launch the velodyne point cloud pcap. When rviz pops up, I see nothing. But I get the following warning: "[ WARN] [1537812445.970344829]: W0924 14:07:25.000000 22978] Queue waiting for data: (0, imu) "
My Lua File:
My Launch file: