Closed vaibhavviswanathan closed 4 years ago
tag with your incoming topic namenum_point_clouds = 1, use_odometry = true
Also, always start experimenting with 2D first and definitely without odometry first. See the tuning guide.
Great! Thank you.
Another question, I am currently building cartographer in a separate workspace outside of my main ROS workspace. What is the convention for this? Where do I put my launch files?
Best, Vai
I have an error when I am setting use_odometry = true
. If I use the same bagfile without odometry, there are no errors. The error I am getting is:
[FATAL] [1523991642.691777084, 1523988701.740793128]: F0417 12:00:42.000000 15592] Check failed: frame_id[0] != '/' ('/' vs. '/') The frame_id /camera should not start with a /. See 1.7 in
*** Check failure stack trace: ***
@ 0x7f4264a485cd google::LogMessage::Fail()
@ 0x7f4264a4a433 google::LogMessage::SendToLog()
@ 0x7f4264a4815b google::LogMessage::Flush()
@ 0x7f4264a4ae1e google::LogMessageFatal::~LogMessageFatal()
@ 0x5bce89 cartographer_ros::(anonymous namespace)::CheckNoLeadingSlash()
@ 0x5bd3c4 cartographer_ros::SensorBridge::ToOdometryData()
@ 0x5936b0 cartographer_ros::Node::HandleOdometryMessage()
@ 0x5a680e boost::detail::function::void_function_obj_invoker1<>::invoke()
@ 0x5b2199 ros::SubscriptionCallbackHelperT<>::call()
@ 0x7f42623a144d ros::SubscriptionQueue::call()
@ 0x7f4262347210 ros::CallbackQueue::callOneCB()
@ 0x7f4262348683 ros::CallbackQueue::callAvailable()
@ 0x7f42623a5511 ros::SingleThreadedSpinner::spin()
@ 0x7f426238a4cb ros::spin()
@ 0x58dd24 cartographer_ros::(anonymous namespace)::Run()
@ 0x58af74 main
@ 0x7f4260d97830 __libc_start_main
@ 0x58d849 _start
@ (nil) (unknown)
[cartographer_node-3] process has died [pid 15592, exit code -6, cmd /home/igino/bfr_cartographer/install_isolated/lib/cartographer_ros/cartographer_node -configuration_directory /home/igino/bfr_cartographer/install_isolated/share/cartographer_ros/configuration_files -configuration_basename bfr.lua points2:=velodyne_points imu:=imu/data odom:=integrated_to_init __name:=cartographer_node __log:=/home/igino/.ros/log/9aaab6de-4271-11e8-a711-f44d3068a052/cartographer_node-3.log].
log file: /home/igino/.ros/log/9aaab6de-4271-11e8-a711-f44d3068a052/cartographer_node-3*.log
As the error message says, frame_id should not start with a /
, details are in
Thank you! I solved this issue.
To continue this conversation, the results of including an odometry topic in Cartographer makes it significantly worse. In fact, the resulting path is even worse than just the odometry frame.
This is an image of only the odometry topic. As you can see, there is some error on the turns. The result should also be a closed loop.
Here is a result of the path using Cartographer without odometry. This trajectory seems much more accurate, but the loop closure error is approx 3.5 meters.
Here is the result of using Cartographer with the above odometry. The results are clearly much worse. The position estimate drifts a lot even before the robot actually starts moving. What could be the possible errors?
I believe this is expected as long as your input data issues are unresolved.
I fixed that issue by changing the odometry_sampling_ratio to 0.1 -- I no longer have that problem.
hi,everyone! I would like to ask if I only have a 3D laser radar, how do I set up my launch file and lua file? thanks.
@wxt-github, please see my previous answer:
Thanks for your reply. I'm sorry to reply to you now. I've been trying to modify these files as you said these days, but there are still problems. The more mistakes I make, the more I am modifying them. Do you have a few documents that have been modified to give me a reference? Thank you very much! @gaschler
@vaibhavviswanathan @gaschler Hi, when I am using Cartographer 3D with an IMU and one LiDAR. Here is my launch file, the topic name of LiDAR data in my bag is "velodyne_points" and "/imu/data" for IMU data
Here is the udrf file
In lua file, I just change num_point_clouds = 1.
The problem I meet now is below
Is there anything I miss?
Best Albert
can you share the configuration files like urdf file? Because I meet some mistakes when i run cartographer with odometry, but it is work with IMU. Thanks.
closing as inactive
Hi there,
I am looking to use Cartographer 3D with an IMU, odometry, and 1 LiDAR. I am using the "demo_backpack_3d.launch" as a reference. However, I notice that it has 2 different LiDARs. How do I set my launch file and configuration files to match my needs?
Best, Vai