cartographer-project / cartographer_turtlebot

Provides TurtleBot integration for Cartographer.
Apache License 2.0
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An error occurred while I was running turtlebot with rplidar #23

Closed oya123 closed 7 years ago

oya123 commented 7 years ago

I want to use cartographer with turtlebot and rplidar, but I get the following error: started core service [/rosout] process[rplidarNode-2]: started with pid [14772] process[robot_state_publisher-3]: started with pid [14776] process[diagnostic_aggregator-4]: started with pid [14777] process[mobile_base_nodelet_manager-5]: started with pid [14783] process[mobile_base-6]: started with pid [14788] process[cmd_vel_mux-7]: started with pid [14791] process[turtlebot_laptop_battery-8]: started with pid [14804] process[capability_server-9]: started with pid [14812] process[app_manager-10]: started with pid [14826] process[master-11]: started with pid [14831] process[interactions-12]: started with pid [14836] process[zeroconf/zeroconf-13]: started with pid [14840] process[cartographer_node-14]: started with pid [14843] process[flat_world_imu_node-15]: started with pid [14847] [ INFO] [946692925.919112963]: I0101 10:15:25.000000 14843] Found '/home/ubuntu/google_cartographer/install_isolated/share/cartographer_turtlebot/configuration_files/turtlebot_rplidar_2d.lua' for 'turtlebot_rplidar_2d.lua'. [ INFO] [946692925.920156380]: I0101 10:15:25.000000 14843] Found '/home/ubuntu/google_cartographer/install_isolated/share/cartographer/configuration_files/map_builder.lua' for 'map_builder.lua'. [ INFO] [946692925.920353547]: I0101 10:15:25.000000 14843] Found '/home/ubuntu/google_cartographer/install_isolated/share/cartographer/configuration_files/map_builder.lua' for 'map_builder.lua'. [ INFO] [946692925.920969130]: I0101 10:15:25.000000 14843] Found '/home/ubuntu/google_cartographer/install_isolated/share/cartographer/configuration_files/trajectory_builder_2d.lua' for 'trajectory_builder_2d.lua'. [ INFO] [946692925.921240130]: I0101 10:15:25.000000 14843] Found '/home/ubuntu/google_cartographer/install_isolated/share/cartographer/configuration_files/trajectory_builder_2d.lua' for 'trajectory_builder_2d.lua'. [ INFO] [946692925.921785297]: I0101 10:15:25.000000 14843] Found '/home/ubuntu/google_cartographer/install_isolated/share/cartographer/configuration_files/trajectory_builder_3d.lua' for 'trajectory_builder_3d.lua'. [ INFO] [946692925.922093213]: I0101 10:15:25.000000 14843] Found '/home/ubuntu/google_cartographer/install_isolated/share/cartographer/configuration_files/trajectory_builder_3d.lua' for 'trajectory_builder_3d.lua'. [ INFO] [946692925.922635880]: I0101 10:15:25.000000 14843] Found '/home/ubuntu/google_cartographer/install_isolated/share/cartographer/configuration_files/sparse_pose_graph.lua' for 'sparse_pose_graph.lua'. [ INFO] [946692925.922895547]: I0101 10:15:25.000000 14843] Found '/home/ubuntu/google_cartographer/install_isolated/share/cartographer/configuration_files/sparse_pose_graph.lua' for 'sparse_pose_graph.lua'. [WARN] [WallTime: 946692926.055610] Battery : unable to check laptop battery info [/sys/class/power_supply/BAT0/charge_full_design || /sys/class/power_supply/BAT0/energy_full_design does not exist] [ INFO] [946692926.378924547]: I0101 10:15:26.000000 14843] Added submap 1 [ INFO] [946692926.991353963]: Zeroconf: service successfully established [turtlebot][_ros-master._tcp][11311] [turtlebot_laptop_battery-8] process has finished cleanly log file: /home/ubuntu/.ros/log/4cda3e64-bff1-11d3-9b70-7c5cf893e3bf/turtlebot_laptop_battery-8*.log RPLidar health status : 0 [ INFO] [946692929.328739463]: I0101 10:15:29.000000 14843] gyro_link rate: unknown [ INFO] [946692929.451284963]: I0101 10:15:29.000000 14843] Motion filter reduced the number of scans to nan%. [ INFO] [946692944.445147626]: I0101 10:15:44.000000 14843] base_footprint rate: 49.86 Hz 2.01e-02 s +/- 1.08e-03 s (pulsed at 114.16% real time) [ INFO] [946692944.446515459]: I0101 10:15:44.000000 14843] camera_depth_frame rate: 6.24 Hz 1.60e-01 s +/- 9.11e-02 s (pulsed at 106.47% real time) [ INFO] [946692944.447600209]: I0101 10:15:44.000000 14843] gyro_link rate: 106.72 Hz 9.37e-03 s +/- 2.31e-03 s (pulsed at 106.32% real time) [ INFO] [946692959.496639372]: I0101 10:15:59.000000 14843] base_footprint rate: 49.87 Hz 2.01e-02 s +/- 1.94e-03 s (pulsed at 100.69% real time) [ INFO] [946692959.498248372]: I0101 10:15:59.000000 14843] camera_depth_frame rate: 6.58 Hz 1.52e-01 s +/- 2.39e-02 s (pulsed at 99.88% real time) [ INFO] [946692959.499091205]: I0101 10:15:59.000000 14843] gyro_link rate: 105.96 Hz 9.44e-03 s +/- 2.54e-03 s (pulsed at 100.17% real time) F0101 10:16:10.441471 14843 ordered_multi_queue.h:149] Check failed: last_dispatchedkey <= next_key_value_pair->sort_key (630822897702525020 vs. 630822897702522393) Non-sorted values added to queue: '(0, imu)' [FATAL] [946692970.445108370]: F0101 10:16:10.000000 14843 ordered_multi_queue.h:149] Check failed: last_dispatchedkey <= next_key_value_pair->sort_key (630822897702525020 vs. 630822897702522393) Non-sorted values added to queue: '(0, imu)' * Check failure stack trace: @ 0xb6a71060 (unknown) @ 0xb6a70f5c (unknown) @ 0xb6a70b78 (unknown) @ 0xb6a72f98 (unknown) @ 0xec18a cartographer::common::OrderedMultiQueue<>::Dispatch() @ 0xf4f68 cartographer::common::OrderedMultiQueue<>::Add() @ 0xf507a cartographer::mapping::SensorCollator<>::AddSensorData() @ 0xf3e96 cartographer_ros::SensorDataProducer::AddLaserScanMessage() @ 0xd8528 _ZN5boost6detail8function26void_function_obj_invoker1IZN16cartographer_ros12_GLOBAL__N_14Node10InitializeEvEUlRKNS_10shared_ptrIKN11sensor_msgs10LaserScan_ISaIvEEEEEE_vSE_E6invokeERNS1_15functionbufferESE @ 0xe05b0 boost::detail::function::void_function_obj_invoker1<>::invoke() @ 0xeb204 ros::SubscriptionCallbackHelperT<>::call() @ 0xb6ccf580 (unknown) @ 0xb6ca0f12 (unknown) @ 0xb6ca1610 (unknown) @ 0xb6cd142e (unknown) @ 0xb6cc15d4 (unknown) @ 0xdacda cartographer_ros::(anonymous namespace)::Run() @ 0xd706c main @ 0xb648f670 (unknown) [cartographer_node-14] process has died [pid 14843, exit code -6, cmd /home/ubuntu/google_cartographer/install_isolated/lib/cartographer_ros/cartographer_node -configuration_directory /home/ubuntu/google_cartographer/install_isolated/share/cartographer_turtlebot/configuration_files -configuration_basename turtlebot_rplidar_2d.lua points2:=/camera/depth/points __name:=cartographer_node __log:=/home/ubuntu/.ros/log/4cda3e64-bff1-11d3-9b70-7c5cf893e3bf/cartographer_node-14.log]. log file: /home/ubuntu/.ros/log/4cda3e64-bff1-11d3-9b70-7c5cf893e3bf/cartographer_node-14.log

At first it can run well, and I can recieve the map from the topic. But after a few seconds, it broke down. The lua file is here: include "map_builder.lua"

options = { map_builder = MAP_BUILDER, map_frame = "map", tracking_frame = "gyro_link", published_frame = "odom", odom_frame = "odom", provide_odom_frame = false, use_odometry_data = true, use_constant_odometry_variance = true, constant_odometry_translational_variance = 1e-7, constant_odometry_rotational_variance = 1e-7, use_horizontal_laser = true, use_horizontal_multi_echo_laser = false, horizontal_laser_min_range = 0.1, horizontal_laser_max_range = 6., horizontal_laser_missing_echo_ray_length = 4., num_lasers_3d = 0, lookup_transform_timeout_sec = 0.2, submap_publish_period_sec = 0.3, pose_publish_period_sec = 5e-3, }

MAP_BUILDER.use_trajectory_builder_2d = true TRAJECTORY_BUILDER_2D.use_imu_data = true TRAJECTORY_BUILDER_2D.use_online_correlative_scan_matching = true TRAJECTORY_BUILDER_2D.motion_filter.max_angle_radians = math.rad(0.1)

return options

I modified the original launch configuration because I used rplidar.

  1. turtlebot_rpliar_2d.launch
    <node name="rplidarNode"          pkg="rplidar_ros"  type="rplidarNode"     output="screen">
       <param name="serial_port"         type="string" value="/dev/ttyUSB0"/>
      <param name="serial_baudrate"     type="int"    value="115200"/>
      <param name="frame_id"            type="string" value="camera_depth_frame"/>
       <param name="inverted"            type="bool"   value="false"/>
       <param name="angle_compensate"    type="bool"   value="true"/>
        <remap from="rplidar_scan" to="/scan" />
   <include file="$(find cartographer_turtlebot)/launch/turtlebot.launch">
     <arg name="configuration_basename" value="turtlebot_rplidar_2d.lua" />
  1. turtlebot.launch
   <arg name="configuration_basename" />
   <include file="$(find turtlebot_bringup)/launch/minimal.launch" />
    <node name="cartographer_node" pkg="cartographer_ros"
       type="cartographer_node" args="
               $(find cartographer_turtlebot)/configuration_files
           -configuration_basename $(arg configuration_basename)"
    <remap from="points2" to="/camera/depth/points" />
   <node name="flat_world_imu_node" pkg="cartographer_turtlebot"
        type="flat_world_imu_node" output="screen">
    <remap from="imu_in" to="/mobile_base/sensors/imu_data_raw" />
    <remap from="imu_out" to="/imu" />
hapi007 commented 7 years ago

i had met the same problem。

damonkohler commented 7 years ago

I assume you're using the Kobuki platform. There's a driver bug that causes IMU messages to be published out of order. The flat_world_imu_node drops any packets that arrive out of order before they can reach the Cartographer node and cause a crash.

Did you modify the launch configuration? If so, perhaps you unintentionally bypassed the flat_world_imu_node.

Please share your launch file.

oya123 commented 7 years ago

@damonkohler Yes, I'm using the Kobuki platform. I modified the launch configuration about the scan node, and I have updated the launch file in the issue. Thanks a lot for your help.

damonkohler commented 7 years ago

I'll close this then. @stonier, are you aware of this issue? There's a TODO in the source code :)

stonier commented 7 years ago

@damonkohler not aware of this one. Digging around the TODO's and hunting around the imu publishing code I can't find anything relevant nor anything untoward with the kobuki I have running here.

If you can point me in the right direction, I'll see it fixed.

damonkohler commented 7 years ago

We dug into a bit before writing our flat_world_imu_node. It seems to us that a couple things can go wrong here:

Hope that helps!

stonier commented 7 years ago

Aye, it does. Thanks. Tracking the issue over in kobuki#370

ywj447 commented 7 years ago

I am trying to install cartographer on turtlebot(Kobuki) platform, and i get an error like this:

Building CXX object cartograp...nary.dir/ FAILED: /usr/bin/c++ -O3 -DNDEBUG -isystem /usr/local/include -isystem /usr/include/eigen3 -I. -I.. -I../cartographer/common/{Boost_INCLUDE_DIRS} -O3 -DNDEBUG -std=c++11 -Wall -Wpedantic -Werror=format-security -Werror=return-type -Werror=uninitialized -MMD -MT cartographer/common/CMakeFiles/common_lua_parameter_dictionary.dir/ -MF "cartographer/common/CMakeFiles/common_lua_parameter_dictionary.dir/" -o cartographer/common/CMakeFiles/common_lua_parameter_dictionary.dir/ -c ../cartographer/common/ ../cartographer/common/ In function 'void cartographer::common::{anonymous}::QuoteStringOnStack(lua_State*)': ../cartographer/common/ error: 'lua_pushglobaltable' was not declared in this scope lua_pushglobaltable(L); // S: ... string globals

do you know how to solve it ? thanks a lot!