carvel-dev / kapp-controller

Continuous delivery and package management for Kubernetes.
Apache License 2.0
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❄️ Flaky Test Collection ❄️ #753

Open joe-kimmel-vmw opened 2 years ago

joe-kimmel-vmw commented 2 years ago

Flaky Test Collection: Name and shame flaky or flakey tests in this issue, provide any ongoing hints/remediation, remove,

  1. Test_PackageInstalled_FromPackageInstall_DeletionFailureBlocks (recently got new diagnostic prints added to help debug why it flakes)
  2. wait: no child processes [1] [2] [3] [4]
benmoss commented 2 years ago

Test_PackageInstallAndRepo_CanAuthenticateToPrivateRepository_UsingPlaceholderSecret was updated in, may be worth checking if that was the cause of the flakiness

benmoss commented 2 years ago

I'm investigating Test_PackageInstallAndRepo_CanAuthenticateToPrivateRepository_UsingPlaceholderSecret

@cppforlife fixed in

cppforlife commented 2 years ago

"Fetching resources: wait: no child processes" error from:

--- FAIL: Test_PackageInstallStatus_DisplaysUsefulErrorMessage_ForDeploymentFailure (11.16s) packageinstall_test.go:268: Expected useful error message to contain deploy error Got: Fetching resources: wait: no child processes

from text examples

kapp deploy -y -a nginx-helm-git -f examples/nginx-helm-git.yml

praveenrewar commented 2 years ago

Fetching resources: wait: no child processes

# from examples
kapp deploy -y -a redis-helm -f examples/redis-helm.yml
cppforlife commented 2 years ago


--- FAIL: Test_PackageInstalled_FromPackageInstall_Successfully (6.51s)
            Error Trace:    packageinstall_test.go:172
            Error:          Not equal: 
                            expected: v1alpha1.AppStatus{ManagedAppName:"", Fetch:(*v1alpha1.AppStatusFetch)(0xc000331ea0), Template:(*v1alpha1.AppStatusTemplate)(0xc000344f80), Deploy:(*v1alpha1.AppStatusDeploy)(0xc000331e30), Inspect:(*v1alpha1.AppStatusInspect)(0xc0001384b0), ConsecutiveReconcileSuccesses:1, ConsecutiveReconcileFailures:0, GenericStatus:v1alpha1.GenericStatus{ObservedGeneration:1, Conditions:[]v1alpha1.Condition{v1alpha1.Condition{Type:"ReconcileSucceeded", Status:"True", Reason:"", Message:""}}, FriendlyDescription:"Reconcile succeeded", UsefulErrorMessage:""}}
                            actual  : v1alpha1.AppStatus{ManagedAppName:"", Fetch:(*v1alpha1.AppStatusFetch)(0xc000331dc0), Template:(*v1alpha1.AppStatusTemplate)(0xc000344900), Deploy:(*v1alpha1.AppStatusDeploy)(0xc000331d50), Inspect:(*v1alpha1.AppStatusInspect)(0xc000138410), ConsecutiveReconcileSuccesses:2, ConsecutiveReconcileFailures:0, GenericStatus:v1alpha1.GenericStatus{ObservedGeneration:1, Conditions:[]v1alpha1.Condition{v1alpha1.Condition{Type:"ReconcileSucceeded", Status:"True", Reason:"", Message:""}}, FriendlyDescription:"Reconcile succeeded", UsefulErrorMessage:""}}
                            --- Expected
                            +++ Actual
                            @@ -68,3 +68,3 @@
                            - ConsecutiveReconcileSuccesses: (int) 1,
                            + ConsecutiveReconcileSuccesses: (int) 2,
                              ConsecutiveReconcileFailures: (int) 0,
            Test:           Test_PackageInstalled_FromPackageInstall_Successfully
cppforlife commented 2 years ago

Test_PackageInstall_UsesExistingAppWithSameName was fixed by #783

benmoss commented 2 years ago


The kctrl logic in seems sane, I'm not sure how this failure is happening.

Running 'kctrl package repository update -r test-package-repository --url -n kctrl-test --yes'...
            Error Trace:    package_repository_test.go:118
            Error:          "Target cluster '' (nodes: minikube)

Waiting for package repository to be updated

12:19:15PM: Waiting for package repository reconciliation for 'test-package-repository'
12:19:23PM: Waiting for generation 2 to be observed 
12:19:23PM: Fetch started 
12:19:23PM: Template succeeded 
12:19:23PM: Deploy started (1s ago)
12:19:24PM: Deploying 
        | Target cluster ''
        | 12:19:24PM: info: Resources: Scoping listings to single namespace: kctrl-test
        | Changes
        | Namespace   Name                            Kind             Age  Op      Op st.  Wait to  Rs  Ri
        | kctrl-test             PackageMetadata  -    create  ???     -        -   -
        | ^        Package          -    create  ???     -        -   -
        | ^        Package          -    create  ???     -        -   -
        | ^   Package          -    create  ???     -        -   -
        | Op:      4 create, 0 delete, 0 update, 0 noop, 0 exists
        | Wait to: 0 reconcile, 0 delete, 4 noop
        | 12:19:24PM: ---- applying 4 changes [0/4 done] ----
        | 12:19:24PM: create package/ ( namespace: kctrl-test
        | 12:19:24PM: create package/ ( namespace: kctrl-test
        | 12:19:24PM: create package/ ( namespace: kctrl-test
        | 12:19:24PM: create packagemetadata/ ( namespace: kctrl-test
        | 12:19:24PM: ---- waiting on 4 changes [0/4 done] ----
        | 12:19:24PM: ok: noop packagemetadata/ ( namespace: kctrl-test
        | 12:19:24PM: ok: noop package/ ( namespace: kctrl-test
        | 12:19:24PM: ok: noop package/ ( namespace: kctrl-test
        | 12:19:24PM: ok: noop package/ ( namespace: kctrl-test
        | 12:19:24PM: ---- applying complete [4/4 done] ----
        | 12:19:24PM: ---- waiting complete [4/4 done] ----
        | Succeeded
12:19:24PM: Deploy succeeded 

" does not contain "Fetch succeeded"
            Test:           TestPackageRepository

            Test:           TestPackageRepository
joe-kimmel-vmw commented 2 years ago
--- FAIL: TestDependencyDownload (6.40s)
    --- FAIL: TestDependencyDownload/with_regular_files (1.01s)
        dependencies_test.go:73: bad status code retrieving url: 503 Service Unavailable
    --- FAIL: TestDependencyDownload/with_tgz_files (5.39s)
        dependencies_test.go:73: bad status code retrieving url: 503 Service Unavailable
2022/07/22 12:22:40 Updating test to 1.0.1
--- FAIL: TestDependencyUpdate (5.80s)
    dependencies_test.go:119: bad status code retrieving url: 503 Service Unavailable
joe-kimmel-vmw commented 2 years ago
--- FAIL: Test_AppReconcileOccurs_WhenSecretUpdated (2.54s)
    kapp.go:92: Failed to successfully execute 'kapp deploy -f - -a configmap-with-secret -n kappctrl-test --yes': Execution error: stdout: 'Target cluster '' (nodes: minikube)


        Namespace      Name                          Kind            Age  Op      Op st.  Wait to    Rs  Ri  
        kappctrl-test  configmap-with-secret         App             -    create  -       reconcile  -   -  
        ^              kappctrl-e2e-ns-role          Role            -    create  -       reconcile  -   -  
        ^              kappctrl-e2e-ns-role-binding  RoleBinding     -    create  -       reconcile  -   -  
        ^              kappctrl-e2e-ns-sa            ServiceAccount  -    create  -       reconcile  -   -  
        ^              simple-app-values             Secret          -    create  -       reconcile  -   -  

        Op:      5 create, 0 delete, 0 update, 0 noop, 0 exists
        Wait to: 5 reconcile, 0 delete, 0 noop

        8:34:15PM: ---- applying 3 changes [0/5 done] ----
        8:34:15PM: create role/kappctrl-e2e-ns-role ( namespace: kappctrl-test
        8:34:15PM: create secret/simple-app-values (v1) namespace: kappctrl-test
        8:34:15PM: create serviceaccount/kappctrl-e2e-ns-sa (v1) namespace: kappctrl-test

8:34:15PM: ---- waiting on 3 changes [0/5 done] ----
        8:34:15PM: ok: reconcile secret/simple-app-values (v1) namespace: kappctrl-test
        8:34:15PM: ok: reconcile serviceaccount/kappctrl-e2e-ns-sa (v1) namespace: kappctrl-test
        8:34:15PM: ok: reconcile role/kappctrl-e2e-ns-role ( namespace: kappctrl-test
        8:34:15PM: ---- applying 1 changes [3/5 done] ----
        8:34:15PM: create rolebinding/kappctrl-e2e-ns-role-binding ( namespace: kappctrl-test
        8:34:15PM: ---- waiting on 1 changes [3/5 done] ----
        8:34:15PM: ok: reconcile rolebinding/kappctrl-e2e-ns-role-binding ( namespace: kappctrl-test
        8:34:15PM: ---- applying 1 changes [4/5 done] ----
        8:34:15PM: create app/configmap-with-secret ( namespace: kappctrl-test
        8:34:15PM: ---- waiting on 1 changes [4/5 done] ----
        8:34:15PM: ongoing: reconcile app/configmap-with-secret ( namespace: kappctrl-test
        8:34:15PM:  ^ Waiting for generation 1 to be observed
        8:34:16PM: fail: reconcile app/configmap-with-secret ( namespace: kappctrl-test
        8:34:16PM:  ^ Reconcile failed:  (message: Templating dir: waitid: no child processes)

        ' stderr: 'kapp: Error: waiting on reconcile app/configmap-with-secret ( namespace: kappctrl-test:
          Finished unsuccessfully (Reconcile failed:  (message: Templating dir: waitid: no child processes))
        ' error: 'exit status 1'
Running 'kapp delete -a configmap-with-configmap -n kappctrl-test --yes'...
==> deploy


--- FAIL: Test_PackageInstalled_FromPackageInstall_DeletionFailureBlocks (2.84s)
    kapp.go:92: Failed to successfully execute 'kapp deploy -a instl-pkg-failure-block-test -f - -n kappctrl-test --yes': Execution error: stdout: 'Target cluster '' (nodes: minikube)


        Namespace      Name                          Kind               Age  Op      Op st.  Wait to    Rs  Ri  
        kappctrl-test         PackageRepository  -    create  -       reconcile  -   -  
        ^              instl-pkg-failure-block-test  PackageInstall     -    create  -       reconcile  -   -  
        ^              kappctrl-e2e-ns-role          Role               -    create  -       reconcile  -   -  
        ^              kappctrl-e2e-ns-role-binding  RoleBinding        -    create  -       reconcile  -   -  
        ^              kappctrl-e2e-ns-sa            ServiceAccount     -    create  -       reconcile  -   -  

        Op:      5 create, 0 delete, 0 update, 0 noop, 0 exists
        Wait to: 5 reconcile, 0 delete, 0 noop

        9:10:17PM: ---- applying 2 changes [0/5 done] ----
        9:10:17PM: create role/kappctrl-e2e-ns-role ( namespace: kappctrl-test
        9:10:17PM: create serviceaccount/kappctrl-e2e-ns-sa (v1) namespace: kappctrl-test
        9:10:17PM: ---- waiting on 2 changes [0/5 done] ----
        9:10:17PM: ok: reconcile serviceaccount/kappctrl-e2e-ns-sa (v1) namespace: kappctrl-test
        9:10:17PM: ok: reconcile role/kappctrl-e2e-ns-role ( namespace: kappctrl-test
        9:10:17PM: ---- applying 1 changes [2/5 done] ----
        9:10:17PM: create rolebinding/kappctrl-e2e-ns-role-binding ( namespace: kappctrl-test
        9:10:17PM: ---- waiting on 1 changes [2/5 done] ----
        9:10:17PM: ok: reconcile rolebinding/kappctrl-e2e-ns-role-binding ( namespace: kappctrl-test
        9:10:17PM: ---- applying 1 changes [3/5 done] ----
        9:10:17PM: create packagerepository/ ( namespace: kappctrl-test
        9:10:17PM: ---- waiting on 1 changes [3/5 done] ----
        9:10:17PM: ongoing: reconcile packagerepository/ ( namespace: kappctrl-test
        9:10:17PM:  ^ Waiting for generation 1 to be observed
        9:10:18PM: ongoing: reconcile packagerepository/ ( namespace: kappctrl-test
        9:10:18PM:  ^ Reconciling
        9:10:19PM: fail: reconcile packagerepository/ ( namespace: kappctrl-test
        9:10:19PM:  ^ Reconcile failed:  (message: Templating dir: waitid: no child processes)

        ' stderr: 'kapp: Error: waiting on reconcile packagerepository/ ( namespace: kappctrl-test:
          Finished unsuccessfully (Reconcile failed:  (message: Templating dir: waitid: no child processes))
        ' error: 'exit status 1'
cppforlife commented 2 years ago
==> deploy
Running 'kapp deploy -f - -a test-repo-status-success -n kappctrl-test --yes --wait-timeout 3m'...
==> check against expected successful status
Running 'kapp inspect -a test-repo-status-success --raw --tty=false --filter-kind=PackageRepository -n kappctrl-test --yes'...
==> force a second reconcile and see if it all still works
Running 'kapp deploy -f - -a test-repo-status-success -n kappctrl-test --yes --wait-timeout 3m'...
Running 'kapp delete -a test-repo-status-success -n kappctrl-test --yes'...
==> deploy pkg repository
Running 'kapp deploy -a repo-packages-available -f - -n kappctrl-test --yes --wait-timeout 3m'...
Running 'kapp delete -a repo-packages-available -n kappctrl-test --yes'...
--- FAIL: Test_PackageRepoBundle_PackagesAvailable (1.56s)
    kapp.go:95: Failed to successfully execute 'kapp deploy -a repo-packages-available -f - -n kappctrl-test --yes --wait-timeout 3m': Execution error: stdout: 'Target cluster '' (nodes: minikube)


        Namespace      Name                   Kind               Age  Op      Op st.  Wait to    Rs  Ri  
        kappctrl-test  PackageRepository  -    create  -       reconcile  -   -  

        Op:      1 create, 0 delete, 0 update, 0 noop, 0 exists
        Wait to: 1 reconcile, 0 delete, 0 noop

        12:03:01AM: ---- applying 1 changes [0/1 done] ----
        12:03:01AM: create packagerepository/ ( namespace: kappctrl-test
        12:03:01AM: ---- waiting on 1 changes [0/1 done] ----
        12:03:01AM: ongoing: reconcile packagerepository/ ( namespace: kappctrl-test
        12:03:01AM:  ^ Waiting for generation 1 to be observed
        12:03:02AM: fail: reconcile packagerepository/ ( namespace: kappctrl-test
        12:03:02AM:  ^ Reconcile failed:  (message: Fetching: secrets "" not found)

        ' stderr: 'kapp: Error: waiting on reconcile packagerepository/ ( namespace: kappctrl-test:
          Finished unsuccessfully (Reconcile failed:  (message: Fetching: secrets "" not found))
        ' error: 'exit status 1'
100mik commented 2 years ago

Ran into a failure for Test_PackageInstalled_FromPackageInstall_DeletionFailureBlocks here where it seems like the deletion never fails.

neil-hickey commented 2 years ago

Investigation of wait: no child processes flake

When does it happen?

This seems to be completely random

Why does it happen?

I attempted to perform a root cause analysis, but to not much success. I tried:

What next?

Quote from a similar issue as referenced below:

I've run into this intermittently. The code section in question is in utils/run.go ExecuteAndWait. If you check out the golang source code for cmd.Run you'll see a race condition. The process is started and then we wait for it. But if the process completes and exits before the wait happens (because, say, the go runtime decides to do a GC pause right then or the goroutine yields for the syscall), then we'll get an error there.


100mik commented 2 years ago

Another wait: no child processes on a failing Test_SecretsAndConfigMapsWithCustomPathsCanReconcile here

cc: @neil-hickey in case it helps

100mik commented 2 years ago

Seeing a lot of flake in the case where we expect consecutive successes to be 1 but it is 2. (Example on Test_PackageRepoStatus_Success)

Maybe increasing sync period will help ensure that another reconciliation does not happen before we check for the case? Edit: Again over here