carvel-dev / ytt

YAML templating tool that works on YAML structure instead of text
Apache License 2.0
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skip hidden directories (start with .) picked up by -f #240

Open cppforlife opened 3 years ago

cppforlife commented 3 years ago

there is probably a common case for ignoring hidden directories by default.

common case within carvel tools might be: imgpkg pull results in a directory with .imgpkg directory. if bundle's files arent wrapped within a directory (eg config), then running ytt -f . would include .imgpkg/*.yml which isnt really desired within templates.

another example: currently ytt -f . that includes .git directory actually makes .git files available via and friends. it just happens that there is no .yml files within .git by default.

what other examples of hidden directories ytt may encounter? it might be worth adding a way to control this behaviour?

danielhelfand commented 3 years ago

Running into this same issue with kbld. The bundle pulled using imgpkg has the .imgpkg contents. If running a kbld -f ... | kapp deploy -a simple-app -f-, the following error is thrown:

kapp: Error: Expected to find kind '', but did not:
- Kubernetes API server did not have matching apiVersion + kind
- No matching CRD was found in given configuration
pivotaljohn commented 3 years ago

For the main use-cases we're targeting, this seems like a sensible default.

Let's add a flag to include hidden files: -a, --all-files Include all files (including hidden files) when scanning for files

-f should obviously allow hidden files, if specified explicitly.

joaopapereira commented 3 years ago

Just to see if I understand clearly

ytt -f config/* This command will only include files that are not hidden

ytt -a -f config/* This command will include all the files in the directory, including the hidden ones

Is this correct?

joaopapereira commented 3 years ago

Can y'll please review these acceptance criteria to ensure they match our view of the feature

Scenario: Ignore hidden folders Given I have a folder that contains YAML files And Also contains a hidden folder (sample below) When I invoke ytt -f config Then the output contains only the files that aren't hidden

rendered: always

Scenario: Use hidden folders with a short flag Given I have a folder that contains YAML files And Also contains a hidden folder (sample below) When I invoke ytt -a -f config Then the output contains only the files in all the folders

hidden: content
rendered: always

Scenario: Use hidden folders with the full flag Given I have a folder that contains YAML files And Also contains a hidden folder (sample below) When I invoke ytt --a-files -f config Then the output contains only the files in all the folders

hidden: content
rendered: always

Scenario: Help displayed Given I have a ytt When I invoke ytt --help Then I should see the output

-a, --all-files                                                      Include all files (including hidden files) when scanning for files
      --allow-symlink-destination strings           File paths to which symlinks are allowed (can be specified multiple times)
      --bulk-in string                                            Accept files in bulk format

Possible folder structure

$ tree -a config
├── .hidden
│   └── some-other-file.yml
└── some-file.yml

1 directory, 2 files


$ cat config/some-file.yml
rendered: always

$ cat config/.hidden/some-other-file.yml
hidden: content
danielhelfand commented 3 years ago

I wonder if this story should be more general as far as what the idea is (i.e. ignore hidden files by default and support an option to allow hidden files) for all Carvel tools where applicable. I think it's possible that this should apply to kbld and kapp as well. The idea is so similar for each tool that I feel it can be written as a single idea first, and we should also consider where else this is applicable before moving forward. This way, the idea will be consistent where applicable across the tools, which has been a criticism in the past.

cppforlife commented 3 years ago

im still not quite sold on the feature tbh (also it's would be backwards incompat). i think this might be a good issue to discuss in community meeting.

pivotaljohn commented 3 years ago

(will come back, add link and fill out a few more details)

We talked about this in the December 9, 2020 Community Meeting (recording failed).


For now, we will:

  1. recommend that imgpkg users follow the convention of sequestering their configuration files in a directory off the root of the bundle (rather than the root of the bundle itself).
  2. for each tool that would want to consider features that also addresses this need, we'll draft a proposal.

High-Level Points

rgeraskin commented 1 year ago

It will be great to have the ability to exclude something with .yttignore. Like .gitignore but for ytt.