When perform cosine similarity searches against our vector search index, we can ask questions about the content, that might look like this:
Find messages about oranges
But we are unable to narrow our search when we ask questions like:
Find messages about oranges from Alice
There are other ways to answer these questions by just letting the LLM see all the content from a perfectly crafted Cypher query, but I think without being able to anchor similarity searches against a specific vertice in our graph makes it less useful.
We need a custom retrieval strategy that combines graph traversal with vector search.
// Step 1: Identify messages sent by Alice
MATCH (u:User {name: 'Alice'})-[:SENT]->(m:Message)
WITH collect(m.embedding) AS aliceEmbeddings
// Steps 2 & 3: Assuming an external function vectorSearch that performs the vector search
// This part is pseudocode, as actual implementation would depend on your application logic
LET queryVector = encodeQuery("favorite food") // Encode your query into a vector
LET searchResults = vectorSearch(queryVector, aliceEmbeddings) // Perform the search
// Step 4: Process and return the search results
// This would involve mapping the search results back to messages and returning relevant information
When perform cosine similarity searches against our vector search index, we can ask questions about the content, that might look like this:
But we are unable to narrow our search when we ask questions like:
There are other ways to answer these questions by just letting the LLM see all the content from a perfectly crafted Cypher query, but I think without being able to anchor similarity searches against a specific vertice in our graph makes it less useful.
We need a custom retrieval strategy that combines graph traversal with vector search.
// Steps 2 & 3: Assuming an external function
that performs the vector search // This part is pseudocode, as actual implementation would depend on your application logic// Step 4: Process and return the search results // This would involve mapping the search results back to messages and returning relevant information
Helpful links:
https://neo4j.com/developer-blog/neo4j-langchain-vector-index-implementation/ https://towardsdatascience.com/efficient-semantic-search-over-unstructured-text-in-neo4j-8179ad7ff451