carykh / PrisonersDilemmaTournament

Watch This Place's awesome video about iterated Prisoner's Dilemma for context!
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What happens if we think we know the "behind-the-scenes" of this tournament? #10

Closed jichanbachan closed 3 years ago

jichanbachan commented 3 years ago

Apologies beforehand if this is not where we should be asking questions regarding the tournament, I don't think I could find any place specified in the video or site.

Being the braindead person I am, I immediately started snooping around after seeing anything interesting which has led me to have some potential insight on the so-called "behind-the-scenes". Would this disqualify me for not being a fully blind participant?

astropingo commented 3 years ago

For behind the scenes, you mean other strategies?

This is Cary's implementation of a famous contest of the same problem, made by Axelrod. This is even mentioned in the contest's page.

If you look into it, you will see a bunch of different strategies not mentioned on the github repo, but are indirectly referenced on the problem's text. So if you are speaking about this behind the scenes, I think it is not a problem.

Remember that instead of running just against known strategies, we will run against each other's. And the best overall strategy will win the context.

jichanbachan commented 3 years ago

I mean more in regards to the meta aspects of this whole tournament, the "to do some research on the subconscious biases of algorithm writing" that's mentioned at the start of the video. I just felt that if there's people who know (or even just think they know) what is expected to affect the bias in the population, you might not be able to accurately compare them to someone who is fully blind to it.

I'd be very surprised if we weren't allowed to look at the other strategies in the repo haha

WalterCM commented 3 years ago

There's actually people discussing about it in another issue. Maybe you can join the discussion. What you figured it out is probably what they are talking about. They made several findings.

carykh commented 3 years ago

Hey jichanbachan, yeah it is okay if you know the "behind-the-scenes" of this tournament! (You can still submit your strats.)

Like mvpetri, I'm thinking that even if you had perfect knowledge on how Prisoner's Dilemma worked, you still wouldn't have a golden ticket to win the competition, because your performance depends on what strategies other people have submitted. (And you don't know how many of them are nice or mean.)