carykh / PrisonersDilemmaTournament

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Update submission file #15

Closed yyewolf closed 3 years ago

yyewolf commented 3 years ago

Is it possible to edit the file of a submission ?

nobody5050 commented 3 years ago

Most likely you’re going to have to use a different email and submit the fixed version, unless Cary talks about it on lazykh

ReimarPB commented 3 years ago

After submitting the form, it lets you change your response. Haven't tried if it works, but I see no reason why it shouldn't.

nobody5050 commented 3 years ago

I’m like 60% sure it doesn’t let you change your response

ReimarPB commented 3 years ago

Why would it show this "Edit your response" button then? If you weren't able to edit it, surely that button would be gone.

Google Form where "Edit your response" button is shown

nobody5050 commented 3 years ago

Aha, it does. Looks like he changed it. I know someone submitted something yesterday and it didn’t let them change the response

thederekkaplan commented 3 years ago

You can edit the response, but you can't actually change the file.

carykh commented 3 years ago

Yes, you can edit your submission (both the file and the question answers) as many times as you want up until the deadline (May 26th 10 PM UTC)! Since you only get one submission, I wanna make sure you're happy with it.

nobody5050 commented 3 years ago

Yes, you can edit your submission (both the file and the question answers) as many times as you want up until the deadline (May 26th 10 PM UTC)! Since you only get one submission, I wanna make sure you're happy with it.

Google forms doesn’t let you edit the file, or rather it’s an issue with google drive

l4vr0v commented 3 years ago

@carykh The file cannot be changed. This is a technical limitation on Google's part. Google Forms handle file submissions on the backend by uploading that file to the form author's personal Google Drive. For this reason they do not let you edit. See this Google support answer.

For anyone reading this who works at Google and knows the Drive/Forms code: claim your i m p a c c now by writing a design doc for this feature. I'm guessing they just have no working design for how to handle file edits without potentially overcrowding the form owner's Drive folder with new files: you'd either have to find a way to edit the original file (with a new version) or to delete the original and replace it, both of which could get tricky if the files have been edited post-submission on the Drive itself.

thederekkaplan commented 3 years ago

Maybe a workaround to this would be to allow multiple submissions on the form and only accept the most recent one from each email account?

l4vr0v commented 3 years ago

I really like that idea, @thederekkaplan. Could just output form responses to a spreadsheet (I'm not sure how Drive manages references to files) and then use a formula on there to find the latest response by each email and only have cary browse through those. There's an open question of whether this will play well with whatever system @carykh has already set up, though.