carykh / PrisonersDilemmaTournament

Watch This Place's awesome video about iterated Prisoner's Dilemma for context!
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Just some thoughts #41

Open zelosos opened 3 years ago

zelosos commented 3 years ago

What if the real tournament starts after the dead line?

So what do I mean with that? Let's imagine he writes to each participant: You are on the 3rd place. So you won $100 But I will not pay you all at once. I will put your strategy to the test once more. Send me $10 and I will send you $30. We will continue, until you got all your $100.

Would you send the first $10 ? ;)

l4vr0v commented 3 years ago

Send me $10 and I will send you $30

If I got a message like that, I would immediately assume it is from a Nigerian prince and mark it as spam instead of reading it... So I don't think I will.

zelosos commented 3 years ago

So you mean in reality most of the "I trust first strategies" would not apply?

nobody5050 commented 3 years ago


cai-lw commented 3 years ago

This is due to the crucial difference between one-time prisoner's dilemma and repeated prisoner's dilemma. In one-time PD the optimal strategy is always defect, while in repeated PD the optimal strategy is complicated but usually starts with cooperation.

Interacting with an unknown online account is definitely a one-time PD since there is nothing guaranteeing them to interact with you again. In contrast, interacting with your relatives, schoolmates, co-workers, people sharing hobbies with you, etc. is repeated PD because they are bound to interact with you frequently in the future. That's also why it's easier to make friends with these people than a random stranger.

Edit: When we do have to interact with strangers to do our business, it is law and law enforcement that prevents the prisoner's dilemma scenario. Their trustworthiness is often determined by to what extent can law be enforced on them. That's why lending money to someone you know, despite often already being an awful idea, is much safer than lending money to an unknown online account like in your hypothetical scenario.

zelosos commented 3 years ago

Most of you probably know Cary from the YouTube channel. I would say he build up some reputation as a nice guy you would like to hang out with.

So you all mean: One time interaction beats prestige in regards to trust?