carykh / PrisonersDilemmaTournament

Watch This Place's awesome video about iterated Prisoner's Dilemma for context!
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Can't Edit File When Editing Form Response #56

Closed arielsysdev closed 3 years ago

arielsysdev commented 3 years ago

I haven't seen anyone here posting about this though some of the youtube comments also pointed it out. When trying to edit your google form response, you can't change what you already uploaded. I had to go around using a different account to reupload my entry then editing my previous entries to say 'please disregard'. May be we can send files to an email instead with 'tracking codes'? Like have the form have a field of what we will put into the email subject or something? Or use even a different uploading service?

MartinKing01 commented 3 years ago

Yeah, I want to upload my improved strategy as well, but I cant

carykh commented 3 years ago

I just noticed this, and added it to the FAQs! Q: Help! I already submitted a strategy, and want to edit it, but Google Forms won't let me. A: Oops! I had planned for you to be able to edit your submission (both the file and the questionnaire) until the deadline (May 26th 10 PM UTC), but Google Forms doesn't allow resubmitting files. So, if you'd like to resubmit, fill out this form, and I'll delete your first response:

(Also, if I responded to via Twitter DMs, you don't have to fill out the form, I'll try to manage it myself.)

arielsysdev commented 3 years ago

Thanks cary! I've submitted a request using the form.

arielsysdev commented 3 years ago

Thanks again! I saw your email. I'll close this now.