carykh / PrisonersDilemmaTournament

Watch This Place's awesome video about iterated Prisoner's Dilemma for context!
MIT License
205 stars 159 forks source link

Goodluck to all and may the best strat win #74

Open arielsysdev opened 3 years ago

arielsysdev commented 3 years ago

Today's the last day! I just want to wish everyone had a great time with their strats!

I thought I'll only need a day or two to come up with my own but it consumed me. There's always another idea I could try, another tweak I could do. Personally, I made it to 4th after adding the enjoyers fork strats but smough's strats are too good. Best I could hope is a 3rd or maybe a 2nd. I'm still actually debating whether to risk giving my strat some random defect poking but it always performs worse when I try to add that, not sure how smough did it but he did it so well. I tried to read his code but i'm out of my depth. Not to mention I see a few people doing machine trained strats.

I hope people would make their strats available when the tournament is done. I'll certainly upload mine but it's nothing special.

Again goodluck to all!

y-arjun-y commented 3 years ago

Good luck everyone! It was a lot of fun to toy around, hopefully there is a similar competition soon

Barigamb738 commented 3 years ago

I just submitted my algorithm. Good luck everyone, this has been an amazing week.