carykh / PrisonersDilemmaTournament

Watch This Place's awesome video about iterated Prisoner's Dilemma for context!
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I left a print() #78

Open Clementine2722 opened 3 years ago

Clementine2722 commented 3 years ago

F :(

duckboycool commented 3 years ago

I think prints will probably be cleaned up when cary goes through the files, so it should be fine.

redtachyon2098 commented 3 years ago

I hope... Maybe his terminal is filled with debug texts of hundreds of strats...

arielsysdev commented 3 years ago

He'll probably use something like this.

carykh commented 3 years ago

leaving print() statements in your strategy is fine with me!

ThatXliner commented 3 years ago

leaving print() statements in your strategy is fine with me!

laughs in /dev/null