carykh / PrisonersDilemmaTournament

Watch This Place's awesome video about iterated Prisoner's Dilemma for context!
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Has anyone successfully done a resubmission? #81

Open lunafoxx opened 3 years ago

lunafoxx commented 3 years ago

I submitted a resubmission request yesterday afternoon but still can't resubmit my code. I'm worried since there's only a few more hours left...

carykh commented 3 years ago

Hello Lydian! Cary here. When did you submit? If it was after 3 PM PST yesterday, then per the video description FAQ and top comment, I can't allow resubmissions, because your submission is already considered "late":

"(After May 26th 10 PM UTC, you cannot request this form anymore, bc i don't want to delete your response before you have a chance to resubmit!)"

It's okay though, because this tournament was just a research project for school! It wasn't meant to be be a well-regulated place for everyone to share, edit, and reupload files.

duckboycool commented 3 years ago

Hello Lydian! Cary here. When did you submit? If it was after 3 PM PST yesterday, then per the video description FAQ and top comment, I can't allow resubmissions, because your submission is already considered "late":

"(After May 26th 10 PM UTC, you cannot request this form anymore, bc i don't want to delete your response before you have a chance to resubmit!)"

It's okay though, because this tournament was just a research project for school! It wasn't meant to be be a well-regulated place for everyone to share, edit, and reupload files.

Does this mean that the form for the resubmissions should be closed? Because you can still submit new responses to it.

carykh commented 3 years ago

Oh shoot, you're right, the form was still open. It's been closed now! (To be honest, that form was never intended to exist. I was only going to have the one submission form, but then people kept emailing asking "Can you delete my response?". After responding the same way 10 times, I was like "Why not turn this into a Google form to streamline things?")

Here's my idea for future tournaments, if I ever decide to do them: I'll have 3 identical Google forms for strategy submission. "Stage 1" is the main one, but then I'll say "Submit to Stage 2 if-and-only-if you already submitted to Stage 1", and "Submit to Stage 3 if-and-only-if you already submitted to Stage 3". That way, I don't have to be online for you to be able to resubmit, and there's no limit to how many "resubmission requests" I can get through per hour. In the end, only your highest-stage-submission counts. You should be careful not to get to Stage-3-resubmission, because there won't be a 4th!

I mean, none of this would be a problem if Google Forms just allowed for files to be resubmit, but they don't. It would also not be a problem if I stated "Once you submit, it's final", but I'm not that harsh

lunafoxx commented 3 years ago

Hello Lydian! Cary here. When did you submit? If it was after 3 PM PST yesterday, then per the video description FAQ and top comment, I can't allow resubmissions, because your submission is already considered "late":

"(After May 26th 10 PM UTC, you cannot request this form anymore, bc i don't want to delete your response before you have a chance to resubmit!)"

It's okay though, because this tournament was just a research project for school! It wasn't meant to be be a well-regulated place for everyone to share, edit, and reupload files.

Oh okay that's too bad. I really just wanted to submit some last-minute changes since the deadline got extended but I think I just misunderstood what the extension was for. I imagine it's not easy coordinating all this behind the scenes, lol. c:

jwoods7097 commented 3 years ago

Are you still going to honor responses to the resubmit form that came in after the original May 26th deadline? I submitted my original file before the first deadline, but after seeing it had been extended I submitted the resubmit form (since it was still open and I couldn't resubmit the original form) earlier today.

carykh commented 3 years ago

Are you still going to honor responses to the resubmit form that came in after the original May 26th deadline? I submitted my original file before the first deadline, but after seeing it had been extended I submitted the resubmit form (since it was still open and I couldn't resubmit the original form) earlier today.

If I do, I'll need to extend the grace-period by roughly another 24 hours. I don't want to delete anybody's submission with less than 24 hours for them to respond, since they could be sleeping or busy with work, who knows. And it would suck to request a resubmission for improvement, just to have all trace of you removed from the comp!

jwoods7097 commented 3 years ago

Alright, thanks! Just making sure it wasn't going to be deleted.

carykh commented 3 years ago

So, it seems like there are 20 people who filled out the resubmission form after 2021-05-27 10 PM UTC, which is enough people that it doesn't feel fair to block them all. Here's the official deadlines now, which is also listed on YouTube description and top comment:

Original deadline: May 26th, 2021 at 10 PM UTC Deadline to request form resubmission: May 27th, 2021 at 7 PM UTC (should've been same as first deadline oops) Deadline to re-submit, only if you already requested resubmission: May 28th, 2021 at 10 PM UTC

valadaptive commented 3 years ago

after 2021-05-27 10 PM UTC

But it's only 8 PM UTC now???

nobody5050 commented 3 years ago

But it’s 8pm utc rn

carykh commented 3 years ago

The resubmission form is closed, because you weren't supposed to be able to submit resubmission requests at all after yesterday at 10 PM UTC

nobody5050 commented 3 years ago

Ohhh that is confusing, whatever all I’m personally trying to fix is an indentation error and a print statement

carykh commented 3 years ago

The only reason there are any deadlines after May 26th (yesterday) is because 40 people requested resubmission very soon before May 26th, and I didn't want to delete their responses before they had time to re-submit.

There should have never been opportunities for people who HADN'T requested resubmission late to request resubmission!

carykh commented 3 years ago

This is now what will be in the video description and top YouTube comment:

Original deadline: May 26th, 2021 at 10 PM UTC Deadline to re-submit, only if you already filled out the Resubmission-Request-Form (closed now): May 28th, 2021 at 10 PM UTC

lunafoxx commented 3 years ago

The only reason there are any deadlines after May 26th (yesterday) is because 40 people requested resubmission very soon before May 26th, and I didn't want to delete their responses before they had time to re-submit.

There should have never been opportunities for people who HADN'T requested resubmission late to request resubmission!

Personally I would be just fine with my original submission staying in and just accepting I misunderstood the extension deadline... I know there are a lot of people taking this challenge quite seriously though, haha

tisajokt commented 3 years ago

We appreciate you Cary

EFHIII commented 3 years ago


yasirroni commented 3 years ago

Wish you all the best, Cary. Thank you for this opportunity!

carykh commented 3 years ago

Thank you, everyone! Yeah things got a bit hectic yesterday as the deadline was approaching, but I still think this tournament will be super fun for all of to analyze :) And I've learned a lot hosting it, too!

nobody5050 commented 3 years ago

We all can’t wait to see what strategy wins