carykh / PrisonersDilemmaTournament

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The "research", as seen from evidence left in the submission form and web page #84

Open User670 opened 3 years ago

User670 commented 3 years ago

Edit: #6 is a much earlier and more in-depth comment on the research.

Guess I'm gonna be the one who spoils the thing that Cary keeps referring to as "research", with double quotes. (Someone beat me to it.)

Disclaimer: All I have are evidence that Cary left behind, and a healthy dose of speculation. I don't know any inside info, and there is still a non-zero chance that my speculations are wrong.

Near the end of the submission Google form, there is a question that asks for a seemingly unrelated word, claiming it's for "research". That immediately caught my attention: this "seemingly unrelated word" can easily be a way to identify which bucket you were put into in an A/B test. So I did what I always do: right click, view source. I found some interesting JavaScript code, and after inspecting the code and experimenting with the page, what it does is apparent:

As for the 4 possible versions of the page, there are two variables mixed and matched. These are,

In case you only saw one of the scenarios and are curious about the other, here is a summary:

And yes, the two scenarios link to different versions of this github repo, namely they link to the "policestation" and "gemstone" branches respectively, where there are minor wording differences reflecting the scenario.

And here comes the speculation part: the "research" is about how the scenario affect the way people code. By presenting problems that are mathematically equivalent but presented differently, significant differences in the code between the buckets might be attributed to the different presentation of the problem.

We'll just have to wait for Cary to crunch the data and eventually share the results with us. Maybe.

redtachyon2098 commented 3 years ago

Like you have mentioned, people have mentioned this before. I'm really curious what the results might be. Maybe an obvious correlation would show up? Maybe the majority didn't read the text, or submitted the wrong word because they cleared their cookies or used another device, in which case the results will be ruined. We would have to wait and see.

hopperelec commented 3 years ago

Ah this is cool!

I noticed the different branches of the repo and, after submitting, I knew it would be an A/B test but my assumption was that it was going to be something like in one scenario you're trying to get as few points as possible and in the other you're trying to get as many as possible so that they'd be put against each other expecting the other person to be trying to do the same as them. I didn't think about it much as I didn't want to spoil it for myself.

At first thought, I don't see how these changes (gender and scenario) will change the way people code, but thinking about it more it's really interesting to think about what changes these could end up making. I've been in scenarios like this in my own projects where I'm coding the exact same thing for 2 different projects, but don't realize until later and then I realize how drastically different I coded the same algorithm just due to the different use-cases.

Excited to see the results!

ThatXliner commented 3 years ago

Like you have mentioned, people have mentioned this before. I'm really curious what the results might be. Maybe an obvious correlation would show up? Maybe the majority didn't read the text, or submitted the wrong word because they cleared their cookies or used another device, in which case the results will be ruined. We would have to wait and see.

Honestly, I don't think the change will have much affect. That's my hypothesis