carykh / jumpcutter

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Help i'm stupid how do I run this? #145

Open EvanOrSomething opened 4 years ago

EvanOrSomething commented 4 years ago

I have no idea if I need to download anything extra or how to run the python, because the instructions in the video give absolutely no explanation on what the heck you need to download to "Open it up in the terminal."

gshanbhag525 commented 4 years ago

i can help u....which operating system are u using?

Lamaun commented 4 years ago

Also some instructions can be found here

EvanOrSomething commented 4 years ago

i'm using windows 10

EvanOrSomething commented 4 years ago

the won't open in python 3

EvanOrSomething commented 4 years ago

what do these steps mean

  1. Open cmd
  2. cd C:\Users\YOUR_USERNAME_HERE\Downloads\jumpcutter-master\jumpcutter-master
  3. C:\Users\YOUR_USERNAME_HERE\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37\python.exe -m pip install -r requirements.txt
  4. C:\Users\YOUR_USERNAME_HERE\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37\python.exe --input_file input.mp4
Lamaun commented 4 years ago

cmd is the command-line interpreter of Windows. You open it by pressing your Windows key. Then type cmd and press enter. The other steps are what you have to type into your cmd to install and the run jumpcutter

DaWe35 commented 4 years ago

Hello! I created an executable with pyinstaller, so:

Lamaun commented 4 years ago

@DaWe35 what error are you getting? And please provide another way to reproduce this, so that we can see that the exe is not evil.

Did you take the exe from the dist/jumpcutter/ folder?

(On Linux the executable build by pyinstaller works fine.)

DaWe35 commented 4 years ago

@DaWe35 what error are you getting? And please provide another way to reproduce this, so that we can see that the exe is not evil.

Did you take the exe from the dist/jumpcutter/ folder?

(On Linux the executable build by pyinstaller works fine.)

No error, just an executable for you (now I see there are already some in other comments). I see you created a very good readme (better than me), but I don't understand why it's not merged into master. Very sad to see dying project.

Lamaun commented 4 years ago

Ahh ok. Yeah it would be cool if @carykh would start to merge some stuff again.

enifrog commented 4 years ago

Thank you @DaWe35 and @Lamaun for the help, I have finally been able to run the script using your help with the .exe and all of your advice from other 'issues forums' that you have helped people on. If anyone made the same mistake as me, I found that opening up the 'ffmpeg-20190612-caabe1b-win64-static' folder > 'bin' folder > copy and paste the 'ffmpeg' 'ffplay' and 'ffprobe' files into the folder that I saved the 'python.exe' file into fixed my issues