carykh / jumpcutter

Automatically edits vidx. Explanation here:
MIT License
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i'm dumb dumb; any idea how to work this out #175

Closed Toflamo closed 4 years ago

Toflamo commented 4 years ago

Hi first, thanks in advance

So, I don't have any experience with coding, python or any similar to understand what is that I'm doing wrong and the thing is that, I really want this Automatic editing tool since it will be and immense improve in the time when I'm editing videos.

I don't know how to use the Powershell but this is where I am. I follow the steps attached below until the last one, where my problem is. I think i am so close to making this that this may seem stupid even.

Thanks again. / / / Picture 1. The steps mentioned above. Picture 2. The problem the Powershell is telling me.

Anotación 2020-04-29 224429

Anotación 2020-04-29 225601

pd: the video in matter, "hola.mp4" and the are in the same folder as the python.exe (C:\Users\Dario\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37) since I didn't know how to refer to it if it wasn't in the same folder.

pd2: i saw carykh commenting about creating a .exe to make this easier to non-coding people like me; any news in that respect?


WyattBlue commented 4 years ago

python the language does not have cary's program can you tell what exactly you downloaded and where did you put it.

shanlemon commented 4 years ago

try doing "pip install pytube3"

BrenekH commented 4 years ago

try doing "pip install pytube3"

If pip install pytube3 doesn't work, you can also try python.exe -m pip install pytube3.

Toflamo commented 4 years ago

Everything is working fine now! Thanks a lot for the help :)

I'll be replying to the issues I had here to make easier finding a solution for some non-tech people with the same problems as me.

/ / / Picture. Where I put the and the ffmpeg.exe to work. Anotación 2020-04-30 125152 At this point I've made five more test and everything runs smoothly. Thx again. I hope this threat may be helpful ;)
