carykh / jumpcutter

Automatically edits vidx. Explanation here:
MIT License
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Safe file names #204

Open barisx opened 2 years ago

barisx commented 2 years ago

I faced a problem about it.

command = "ffmpeg -i 9. Introduction Testing.ts -qscale:v 3 TEMP/frame%06d.jpg -hide_banner"

This is not solvable for OS. Some trick is going to solve it.

command = "ffmpeg -i \"9. Introduction Testing.ts\" -qscale:v 3 TEMP/frame%06d.jpg -hide_banner"

After this cmd working like

ffmpeg -i "9. Introduction Testing.ts" -qscale:v 3 TEMP/frame%06d.jpg -hide_banner

Tested and work.