cas-packone / ambari-kylin-service

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start error on HDP 3.1 #3

Open 631068264 opened 4 years ago

631068264 commented 4 years ago


2020-01-13 01:52:16,673 INFO  [main] utils.Compatibility:41 : Running in ZooKeeper 3.4.x compatibility mode
2020-01-13 01:52:16,710 INFO  [main] imps.CuratorFrameworkImpl:284 : Starting
2020-01-13 01:52:16,715 INFO  [main] zookeeper.ZooKeeper:438 : Initiating client connection, connectString=node1:2181 sessionTimeout=120000 watcher=org.apache.curator.ConnectionState@6c000e0c
2020-01-13 01:52:16,717 INFO  [main-SendThread(node1:2181)] zookeeper.ClientCnxn:1013 : Opening socket connection to server node1/ Will not attempt to authenticate using SASL (unknown error)
2020-01-13 01:52:16,719 INFO  [main-SendThread(node1:2181)] zookeeper.ClientCnxn:856 : Socket connection established, initiating session, client: /, server: node1/
2020-01-13 01:52:16,721 INFO  [main-SendThread(node1:2181)] zookeeper.ClientCnxn:1273 : Session establishment complete on server node1/, sessionid = 0x16f798087cc03af, negotiated timeout = 60000
2020-01-13 01:52:16,722 INFO  [main] imps.CuratorFrameworkImpl:326 : Default schema
2020-01-13 01:52:16,725 DEBUG [main] util.ZookeeperDistributedLock:142 : 6521@node1 trying to lock /kylin/kylin_metadata/create_htable/kylin_metadata/lock
2020-01-13 01:52:16,730 INFO  [main-EventThread] state.ConnectionStateManager:237 : State change: CONNECTED
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Failed to find metadata store by url: kylin_metadata@hbase
    at org.apache.kylin.common.persistence.ResourceStore.createResourceStore(
    at org.apache.kylin.common.persistence.ResourceStore.getStore(
    at org.apache.kylin.tool.AclTableMigrationCLI.main(
Caused by: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
    at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)
    at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(
    at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(
    at org.apache.kylin.common.persistence.ResourceStore.createResourceStore(
    ... 3 more
Caused by: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.apache.curator.framework.api.CreateBuilder.creatingParentsIfNeeded()Lorg/apache/curator/framework/api/ProtectACLCreateModePathAndBytesable;
    ... 8 more
2020-01-13 01:52:16,772 INFO  [Curator-Framework-0] imps.CuratorFrameworkImpl:924 : backgroundOperationsLoop exiting
2020-01-13 01:52:16,773 INFO  [Thread-1] zookeeper.ReadOnlyZKClient:344 : Close zookeeper connection 0x7b94089b to node1:2181
2020-01-13 01:52:16,775 INFO  [ReadOnlyZKClient-node1:2181@0x7b94089b] zookeeper.ZooKeeper:692 : Session: 0x16f798087cc03ae closed
2020-01-13 01:52:16,775 INFO  [ReadOnlyZKClient-node1:2181@0x7b94089b-EventThread] zookeeper.ClientCnxn:517 : EventThread shut down
2020-01-13 01:52:16,777 INFO  [Thread-4] zookeeper.ZooKeeper:692 : Session: 0x16f798087cc03af closed
2020-01-13 01:52:16,777 INFO  [main-EventThread] zookeeper.ClientCnxn:517 : EventThread shut down
ERROR: Unknown error. Please check full log.
631068264 commented 4 years ago

Should I update to Kylin 3.0 not 2.1? How to update or this repo will choice a good version according to the hadoop version ?

alfonsonishikawa commented 3 years ago

Should I update to Kylin 3.0 not 2.1? How to update or this repo will choice a good version according to the hadoop version ?

Yes, HBase 2.0 is supported with Kylin 2.5+ (