casangi / xradio

Xarray Radio Astronomy Data IO
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195 vlass otf support #201

Closed Jan-Willem closed 1 month ago

Jan-Willem commented 1 month ago

This ticket adds support for on-the-fly mosaics that have a continuously changing phase center. This is achieved by allowing a coarser partitioning of the data (multiple fields in a single MSv4).

In convert_msv2_to_processing_set the partition_scheme parameter can be used to set the partitioning scheme:

Key Points

FedeMPouzols commented 1 month ago

@Jan-Willem : I think you mean the row numbers/IDs? (as the field IDs are missing in the MSv2 and they use implicitly the row number as field ID). TaQL has this syntax: "select ROWID() as ROWS from ... where ..." which I think should do the trick. There is one example here: If we want to use the 'ROWID' in the where, that also seems to work, like SQL pseudo-columns. Even though I do not see examples of this in the TaQL reference, something like the following works for me: select DELAY_DIR, PHASE_DIR from $tb where ROWID() == 0 select DELAY_DIR, PHASE_DIR from $tb where ROWID() in [0,1,2] Is something like taql_where = f"where ROWID() in [{','.join(map(str, unqiue_field_id))}] what you are looking for?

Jan-Willem commented 1 month ago

Thanks @FedeMPouzols for the feedback. I have pushed one change where I added the field table row id TaQL query, and fixed a data selection bug. If there are no objections I will merge after the tests have been completed.