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Massive Scaling with Apache Kafka #314

Closed msaffitz closed 9 years ago

msaffitz commented 9 years ago

Massive Scaling with Apache Kafka

Data comes in; data gets processed; data goes out. Create, Read, Update, Delete. Dealing with most data in an web app is simple. But when that data comes through a firehouse at thousands of requests per second, generating tens of thousands of queries and gigabytes of logs across a large web app things get complicated quickly. Apache Kafka is "publish-subscribe messaging rethought as a distributed commit log" quickly gaining traction amongst companies large and small. This talk will introduce you to Kafka and demonstrate how it can form the backbone for a massively scalable architecture while keeping things simple.

Speaker Bio

Mike built his first "web app" in the mid 90's on a Mac (with no command line!) in Perl using BBEdit. Those were dark but magical days. Since then, he's built and scaled hundreds of web-related projects using PHP, Java, Ruby, Javascript, and more. Most recently, he's the co-founder and CTO at Apptentive, which helps companies use their mobile apps to talk with and build relationships with their customers. In the few minutes each week when he's not in front of a keyboard & screen, Mike enjoys Skiing, Sailing, and spending time with his identical twin daughters.