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Talk: Deploying Browser Apps In Seconds: FTP No More #324

Closed deanmarano closed 9 years ago

deanmarano commented 9 years ago

Deploying Browser Apps In Seconds: FTP No More

We're writing more browser applications, and that's fantastic - but we're deploying like it's 2009. FTP, capistrano, shell scripts, etc. They're just static files, what's so hard? In fact, a lot. We'll first explore the problem area - including zero downtime deploys, lock-step deploys, proxying to a system-oriented architecture, testing, and how browser apps are different from server rendered pages and mobile applications. We'll investigate solutions to these problems and some awesome emergent properties.

Speaker Bio

Dean Marano wrote his first single page app in 2008 and has been championing the workflow ever since. He writes Javscript at Groupon and likes and breakfast cereals.