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Fantastic Storyboarding Machines #344

Closed noahadams closed 9 years ago

noahadams commented 9 years ago

Title of Talk

Fully specifying, designing and implementing UI for the web is a hazardous process. We’re often left unearthing error cases and flows that haven’t been thought of at the eleventh hour, and shoe-horning in code to make them work.

But what if I told you there was a modelling tool you could use to tame the complexity of your user interfaces? To easily abstract and compose small numbers of simple pieces into wildly complex combinations, and to unambiguously specify designs that can be easily and repeatably implemented.

Finite State Machines, a simple and flexible model of computation, are that tool. In this talk I will show how to apply FSMs to user interface design and implementation, demonstrate a small Backbone View library we built, used and re-used to confront the problems described above, and leave the audience with an intellectual tool they can take and apply to their UI design and implementation problems no matter what tools they use.

Speaker Bio

Noah is working on an SDK for Hybrid Mobile App development, and curating a library of Seinfeld gifs as an engineer on Mobify’s product team. Noah loves systemsy programming, making use of math and film photography. He used to do distributed computing at Apple.